
Phone: 240-777-7900

Email: charterreview.commission@


  • Christine Wellons, Legislative Attorney, Office of the County Council
  • Erin Ashbarry, Office of the County Attorney
  • Stephen Mathany, Legislative Services Coordinator, Office of the County Council

Meeting Location and Dates

The Commission meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 8:00 AM at the Council Office Building, 100 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850.

NOTE: This date and time is subject to change depending on the schedule of Commission members.


The County Charter is the constitutional framework for County Government. The County Council appoints an eleven-member, bi-partisan, Charter Review Commission to study the County Charter. The Commission must report to the County Council in May of every even-numbered year with recommendations for possible Charter revisions. These recommendations may lead to proposed Charter amendments that are voted on by the electorate.

Legislative Authority

Charter Section 509 provides the following: "There shall be a Charter Review Commission appointed by the County Council every four years, within six months after the Council assumes office, for the purpose of studying the Charter. The Commission shall be composed of eleven members who shall be residents of the County, five of whom shall be appointed from a list of names submitted by the County Executive. Not more than six members shall be of the same political party. The chairperson shall be designated by the Council and the vice-chairperson shall be designated by the County Executive. The Commission shall report at least once to the Council on the Commission's activities within one year after appointment of the Commission. Commission reports shall be submitted not later than May 1 of every even-numbered year. The reports shall contain recommendations concerning proposed Charter amendments, if any." (Char. Res. No. 8-935, § 1.)

Current Members

Jim Michaels, Chair
Marvin Lynch
Howard Denis
Jeffrey Naftal
Dylan Presman
Sherry Brett-Major
David Nachtsheim
Michael Persh


The Commission submits a report to the County Council by May 1 of every even-numbered year. The reports contain recommendations regarding proposed Charter amendment.

News Releases