Licensing and Registration
Licensing and Registration is responsible for issuing rental licenses to over 100,000 condominiums, single-family homes, multi-family units and accessory dwelling units under Montgomery County Code, Chapter 29, Landlord-Tenant Regulations. In addition, the unit registers 1,100 homeowner and condominium associations known as Common Ownership Communities under Chapter 10B, Common Ownership Communities. Annually, Licensing and Registration conducts Montgomery County’s Rental Housing Survey on area rent, vacancies, turnover, utilities and amenities which is published on the CountyStat website. For more information about the Licensing and Registration process, please contact us or stop by our location.
Are you interested in quickly matching with potential tenants for your rentals? By partnering with Montgomery County’s Services to End and Prevent Homelessness (SEPH), landlords can take advantage of several special incentives while ensuring that their units remain consistently leased. Minimize your risks and increase your reward by directly connecting to resources, supported tenants, and networking opportunities for future partnerships.
To find out more, visit us at