MPDU Developers

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The requirement to provide a certain percentage of Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (MPDUs) applies to any new development in Montgomery County with 20 or more units. The percentage of MPDUs required varies from 12.5% to 15% of the total number of units in the development. For Townhouse Rent Rates for MPDUs and HIF Payments for Developments of 11-19 Units, please see Executive Regulation 11-23.

The actual percentage and number of MPDUs may vary based on density bonus achieved. The requirement for MPDUs is set by the Montgomery County Planning Board at the time it approves the preliminary plan and/or site plan for the development.  Developments that receive no density bonus are still required to provide the applicable percentage of MPDUs required for that area of the County. Please contact the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) for information on the development review and approval process.  In addition, please review the site plan guidelines for developments with MPDUs, provided below. 

On this page you will find general information about Site Plans, Agreements to Build, Offering Agreements and Covenants. To fully reference and understand the requirements of the MPDU Program, please refer to the laws implementing the Montgomery County MPDU program which are found in Chapter 25A (the Moderately Priced Housing Code and Regulations) and Chapter 59 ( Zoning Ordinance). For specific questions, call 311 (240-777-0311) to reach the MPDU Office.

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