March 18 is National Transit Employee Appreciation Day: Did you know that Ride On operates 7 days a week, has 80+ routes and employs 650 bus operators, transports approximately 65,000 riders daily; ranked 2nd nationally in a Transit App survey as a service most likely to be recommended to family and friends; and had a 20% ridership growth in 2024? Join us in celebrating the hard work and dedication of our employees.
Ride On is re-introducing our late night only courtesy stop program.
Starting July 2, passengers will be able to request a drop-off along the route when and where it is safe to do so, with the following limitations:
Passengers should inform the operator when boarding if they know they will request a courtesy stop; when nearing the drop off location, pull the bell cord, proceed to the front door, and ask the operator to stop at a safe location.
Night-time Courtesy Stop has been successfully in operation in many North American cities, such as Philadelphia, New York, and Toronto. Courtesy Stop helps passengers feel more secure using the bus in late night hours. During these late hours, it has not been found to have any significant effect on bus operation.
Ride On cares about the safety of all our passengers, especially during our evening bus routes. We are dedicated to making sure you feel safe, and we want to make sure you reach your destination with no issue.
Metrobus Riders
WMATA launched it's Courtesy Stops Program on June 25th. Their press release highlights the program and also includes an image of the signage that is currently on their buses to advertise Courtesy Stops and how to request a stop. There is also an explanatory video available.