The Invasive Vine Problem
Montgomery County has long had a problem with invasive vines killing trees. Some of our oldest, strongest trees are at risk of being smothered and strangled by vines. Invasive vines crawl up a tree, talking over the tree's resources and eventually strangling branches until the tree is dead. While we have many invasive vines, even native vines will kill off trees.
There are many active volunteer groups and resident advocates doing good work regularly cutting vines, but to make a widespread impact we need to see to save County trees. We need residents to look out for invasive vines on trees on their private property and take action.
What You Can Do
Cut Vines on Your Property
As a property owner, or renter with permission from your landlord, you can fairly easily cut vines on trees on your private property. The vine should be cut at the base of the tree and then again at shoulder height, to prevent it from regenerating. Be careful not to cut the tree or its bark. There is no need to pull the vine down. Once the vine is cut, it will dry up and eventually fall off the tree. Pulling a vine is a safety hazard and can bring down tree branches. It is important that residents use gloves, as some vines like poison ivy, can cause rashes if touched. Additionally, properly dipose of the vine in the trash as it may regenerate if left on the ground.
Share Information
Let your neighbors know about the threat vines pose to trees. Look for vines on trees in your community and let your neighbors know how to cut them properly. Informationsl flyers and door hangers can be printed for distribution.
Click on the images above for printable versions.
Visit these local partnering programs for educational resources and volunteer opportunities.
MCDOT Right-Of-Way Tree Maintenence & Planting
We have a community calendar where vine cutting efforts can be posted so that resident volunteers can join in on efforts to cut vines in areas around the County.
Get Trained
A group led by Montgomery Parks, Weed Warriors, has been coordinating work in this area for some time and offers excellent in-person certification training. Residents can email the Weed Warrior program staff to get started on a Level 1 Weed Warrior certification training. This is a good way to get involved in your community, spend some time outdoors, and make a positive impact on the environment. Weed Warriors offers training certificates that allow for unsupervised work on parkland. We encourage this training for all extended vine cutting activities in public spaces.
Learn About Native Vines
Residents can also learn about native vines that benefit local wildlife. Homeowners must assess for themselves whether cutting a vine crawling up a tree on their property is worth saving the tree.
About Us
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation, local volunteer groups, and resident advocates have come together to raise awareness through a public advocacy campaign, offer resources where possible and assist in coordinating vine cutting volunteer efforts in Montgomery County. We hope residents will join the effort to cut vines and save trees and will help spread awareness of the importance of this effort to neighbors, social groups and local businesses.
MCDOT has jurisdiction over the County right-of-way, along most neighborhood roads. Clicking on the map below will take you to a County GIS map that shows right-of-way areas along County roads. Please note that these lines are approximate. If you see vines on trees within these areas, please call MC 311 from within Montgomery County or dial 240-777-0311 and MCDOT will send an arborist to cut them.
Click Above for Interactive Right of Way GIS Map