Legislative Work

Bills and Resolutions

  • Bill 14-24 - Vehicle Noise Abatement Monitoring - Pilot Program
Establishes a pilot program to use noise abatement monitoring systems in the County to enforce motor vehicle noise requirements, and generally amends the law regarding the regulation, monitoring, and abatement of vehicle noise.
  • Bill 28-23 - Taxation – Fuel Energy Tax – Green Bank
Restricts the use of fuel energy tax funds by the Montgomery County’s Green Bank to only support activities that promote the investment in clean energy technologies and to provide financing for clean energy technologies, including renewable energy and energy efficiency projects and not resiliency activities
  • Bill 3-22 - Legislative Branch - Climate Assessments – Required
​​​Require the Director of the Office of Legislative Oversight to prepare a climate assessment for each bill; require the Planning Board to prepare a climate assessment for each zoning text amendment, master plan, and master plan amendment; specify the required contents of a climate assessment; require the publication of climate assessment templates; and generally amend the law governing the enactment of legislation.
  • Bill 44-21 -- Montgomery County Green Bank - Funding - Fuel-energy tax revenue
    Require the Council to annually appropriate 10% of the fuel-energy tax revenue to the County Green Bank; establish a dedicated County funding source for the Green Bank; and restrict the use of the funds by the Green Bank; and generally amend the law governing the Green Bank and the use of the fuel-energy tax revenue.
  • Bill 5-21 - Agricultural Land Preservation – Solar Collection System – Dedication of Business Personal Property Tax Revenue
    Dedicate business personal property tax revenue received for certain solar collection systems for the Agricultural Land Preservation Fund; increase the land in the County preserved for agricultural uses; and generally amend the law governing the preservation of land for agricultural uses.
  • Bill 10-20 - Property Tax Credit - Energy and Environmental Design - Eligibility Criteria and Amounts of Credit
    Alter the eligibility criteria for the property tax credit for energy and environmental design; alter the amounts and durations of the property tax credit for energy and environmental design by type of building; and alter annual limits on the total amounts of property tax credits granted by the County for energy and environmental design
  • Bill 7-19 Environmental Sustainability – Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program – New Construction
    Expand the Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program to new construction; and generally amend County laws related to the Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program and environmental sustainability.


  • Bill 6-22 - Recreation – Montgomery County Sports Advisory Committee – Established
    Establish a Montgomery County Sports Commission Advisory Committee; specify the membership and responsibilities of the Commission Committee; provide for the staffing of the Commission Committee; and generally, amend the law regarding recreation and advisory boards.
  • Bill 2-20 Bicycles - Registration – Amendments
    Permit voluntary registration of a bicycle owned by a County resident for personal use; require the registration of a bicycle provided for rent in the County; repeal the authority to impound an unregistered bicycle owned by a County resident for personal use; repeal the authority to deposit the proceeds from the sale of an impounded or abandoned bicycle in the Police Relief and Retirement Fund; and generally amend the laws governing the use of a bicycle in the County.
  • Resolution 19-1202 -- Special Appropriation to the Fiscal Year 2022 Operating Budget Montgomery County Government Department of Recreation Expansion of Sports Leagues for Girls $100,000 (Source of Funds: General Fund Reserves)
  • Resolution 19-946 - Completing the Capital Trails Network and Capital Trails Coalition Top 40 Priority Projects
  • Bill 23-24E - Contracts and Procurement - Minority Owned Business Purchasing Program - Extension of Sunset Date
    Extends the sunset date for the County’s minority owned business purchasing program, requires an evaluation and report regarding the need to extend the program, and generally amends the law regarding procurement.

  • Bill 11-24 - Finance - Economic Development Fund - Make Office Vacancy Extinct (MOVE) Grant Program 
    Establishes a business incentive grant program under the Economic Development Fund to support eligible businesses with the rental costs of locating, relocating or expanding office space in the County. Codifies incentives for new businesses relocating to the County currently provided under the make office vacancy extinct (MOVE) pilot grant program. Provides incentives to new and existing businesses expanding operations in the County, sets eligibility criteria for businesses qualifying for the program incentives, and generally amends the laws regarding finance and economic development. 

  • Bill 4-24 Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund Commission - Established
    Establishes a Montgomery County Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund Commission. Prescribes the membership and duties of the Commission, provides for the staffing of the Commission, specifies the purposes for which funds received from the State Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund may be used and generally amends the law regarding the distribution and use of funds disbursed to the County from the State Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund.

  • Bill 37-23E - Contracts and Procurement– Minority Owned Businesses– Sunset Date– Amendments
    Extends the sunset date for the County’s minority owned business purchasing program, and generally amends the law regarding procurement.
  • Bill 25-23E - Taxation - Development Impact Taxes for Transportation and Public School Improvements - Amendments
Modifies the calculations for tax rate adjustments for transportation improvements by requiring cumulative increase or decrease in the construction cost index rather than an annual average every two years. Sets a cap on the development impact tax rate for school and transportation improvements. Allows certain carryover increases of the biennial tax rate adjustments, and generally amends the law governing transportation and school development impact taxes.​
  • Bill 13-23E - Montgomery County Urban Districts – Friendship Heights Urban District
Creates an urban district located in the Friendship Heights area of the County, expands the purposes of urban districts in the County, creates a commercial district charge as an additional mechanism to fund an urban district, establishes a Friendship Heights Urban District Advisory Committee, and generally amends the law concerning urban districts in the County. 
  • Bill 7-23 - Bill 7-23, Consumer Protection – Gasoline Station Signage
​Defines and prohibits certain deceptive trade practices by gasoline stations. Requires the inclusion of certain supplemental information on state-required signage at gasoline stations, and generally amends the law regarding deceptive, unfair, or unconscionable trade practices.
  • Bill 31-22 Finance – Economic Development Fund - Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Matching Grant Program 
Alters the administration and eligibility requirements of the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Matching Grant Program. Determines the criteria for a business to be eligible for the matching grant, the maximum amount of grant funds a business can receive under a SBIR or STTR Phase I or Phase II grant, and the total number of County matching grants businesses can receive each year.
  • Resolution 20-491 - Special Appropriation to the Fiscal Year 2024 Operating Budget Montgomery County Government Department of Finance Economic Development Fund New JOBS (Jobs, Opportunities & Business Support) Initiative $20,000,000
The new J.O.B.S. (Jobs, Opportunities and Business Support) Initiative will create three separate but complementary initiatives: a $10 million Job Creation Fund, a $7 million Innovation Fund, and a $3 million Equity Fund. Click here for more information on the J.O.B.S. Initiative.
  • Resolution 20-214 - Development Impact Tax Rates for Transportation and Public School Improvements
​​Development Impact Taxes are assessed on new residential and commercial buildings and additions to commercial buildings in the county to fund, in part, the improvements necessary to increase the transportation or public-school systems capacity, thereby allowing development to proceed.
  • Bill 10-21 - Economic Development - Economic Development Strategic Plan - Economic Development Corporation – Duties
    Transfer the drafting of the County’s Economic Development Strategic Plan from the Executive to the County’s Economic Development Corporation; require the Executive to provide comments to the Council on each draft Plan by a date certain; require the Council to adopt the Plan by a date certain; and generally amend the law governing the County’s economic development.
  • Bill 38-21 - Economic Development Fund – Local Business Child Care Grant Program
    Consistent with the Economic Development Platform, the main purposes of Bill 38-21 are to decrease the costs of doing business in the County, and to attract and retain businesses in the County. The bill also would support businesses’ efforts to subsidize childcare for their employees.
  • Bill 14-21E - Finance - Working Families Income Supplement
    Would alter certain requirements for residents to qualify for Working Families Income Supplement.
  • Bill 3-21 - Special Taxing Area Laws – Silver Spring Business Improvement District 
    Establish a business improvement district in Silver Spring; establish guidelines for the District and authorize a district corporation to manage the District; and authorize a tax on nonexempt property located in the District to finance the operations of the district corporation.
  • Bill 23-19 - Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit Supplement-Amendments
    Allow a qualified investor to receive the cybersecurity investment incentive tax credit supplement; and generally amend the law related to the cybersecurity investment incentive tax credit supplement.
  • Bill 17-20E Carryout Bag Tax – Suspension- Expedited Bill 17-20
    Would suspend the imposition of the carryout bag tax until 15 days after the conclusion of the Maryland state of emergency. Within 7 days after the state of emergency ceases, Bill 17-20 would require the County Executive to notify retail establishments and the public of the date on which the imposition of the carryout bag tax will resume.
  • Bill 9-20 Economic Development Fund - Local Business Child Care Grant Program – Established
    Establish a Local Business Child Care Grant Program; provide for the administration and eligibility criteria of the program; and require regulations to implement the program.
  • Resolution 19-690 -  Special Appropriation to the Fiscal Year 2021 Operating Budget Montgomery County Government, Community Engagement Cluster, Support for COVID-19 Response – Winterization for Streeteries, $1,250,000 (Source of Funds: General Fund Reserves)
  • Resolution 19-1233 - Special Appropriation to the Fiscal Year 2022 Operating Budget Montgomery County Government, Incubator Programs – Economic Development Partnership Non-Departmental Account, $789,000 (Source of Funds: General Fund Reserves)
  • Resolution 19-998 - Resolution to Support Changes to State Legislation Enabling the Creation of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) in Montgomery County
  • Resolution 19-669 - Amendment to Resolution 19-646; Office of the County Executive; COVID-19 Response: Tourism Stabilization Grant Program
  • Resolution 19-300 - Economic Development Platform for Montgomery County
  • Resolution 19-389 - Resolution to support the Community Reinvestment Act


Planning, Housing & Parks (PHP) Chair

Jurisdiction: Master Plans and amendments to the zoning laws; Issues related to parks and recreation; The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission; The Montgomery County Planning Board; Historic preservation; Housing; Agricultural preservation; Recreation

Government Operations & Fiscal Policy (GO)

Jurisdiction: Economic and fiscal policy; spending affordability; County Government administrative departments; Department of General Services; cable and telecommunications issues; technology issues; personnel and compensation issues; procurement policy; oversight of interagency teams on training, public information, procurement, and PEG (public, education, and government) cable television channels.