MCFRS EMS Logistics

14935 Southlawn Lane / Building B, Door 7
Rockville, MD 20850
(240) 243-7891 (Sonim)
(240) 777-2220 (Office)

Warehouse Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 0800-1300 hours
Outside of normal hours of operation, please e-mail or call and we will still try to accommodate you!

Specialty EMS supplies, LifePak 15s & Accessories, Lucas Devices
& Accessories, AirTraq, AEDs, Covid Supplies, Medications



Order Form | Inventory Resources/Training | Helpful Links | FAQs | About EMS Logistics


Inventory Resources/Training

Frequently Asked Questions Answered Below:

Please click a question below to see the related answer.

  • LifePak supplies/accessories
  • Lucas supplies/accessories
  • AirTraq supplies
  • ALS/BLS Medication
  • Lactated Ringers/Flushes
  • Defibrillation pads
  • Suction units
  • AEDs
  • Batteries
  • Items needed that cannot be purchased on Bound Tree
Have your station commander send an email to to request a new Bound Tree account.
While filling out your order form, check the box that states "something else" and specify what you need. If we do not have it in the warehouse, we will contact you for more information. Or you can send an email to
No, they can be handled through Small Tools.
Covid supplies are dispersed via the EMS supply order form. However, if you feel as though you were overlooked, please call 240-777-2220 or email with your concern.
We likely had an overstock of a particular item or items and they will be coming from the warehouse.
Please scan/e-mail the packing slip to yourself to verify that it scanned correctly, and then forward it to If there is an issue with your order (e.g., missing items, etc.), please send the packing slip to MCFRS.EMSSupplies@MontgomeryCountyMD.Gov with a description of what is missing/incorrect and we will handle it from there.
There is no need to order Narcan kits. EMS Logistics is already notified when a kit is given out. If we have kits, we will automatically send them. Should you find a deficiency in your station, you can order more in the order form.

About EMS Logistics

  • EMS Logistics is not new but does support the entire MCFRS community for EMS supplies. We are currently developing/deploying ways to make your ordering lives better
  • We order all EMS ALS/BLS medications
  • We work on special projects pertaining to big EMS pushes such as LifePak 15 updates, ALS/BLS bags, and new procedures such as AirTraq Intubation
  • We are your go-to for LifePak 15 repairs and service contracts
  • We are also looking to be more innovative towards how to report service issues and station ordering

EMS Logistics is run/supported by very dedicated and hard-working personnel.

(240) 777-2220, (240) 243-7891