Department Of Fire & Rescue Services
Montgomery County, MD


No. 902
April 20, 1998

1.0 To establish policy and procedure for resolving complaints regarding the Emergency Communications Center (ECC).

2.0 This policy applies to all DRFS Personnel in the Fire Protection Occupational Series and to those Fire/Rescue Personnel filing complaints in accordance with the Montgomery County Communications Manual.
This policy was developed in cooperation with International Association of Firefighters Local 1664.

3.0 Communications Officer - DFRS District Chief assigned as the Senior Career Officer of the ECC.
3.1 ECC Operations Supervisor - DFRS Captain assigned to the ECC who is responsible for the on going operations of the center.
3.2 Complaint - A written expression of disagreement with ECC policy, ECC's application of a Fire/Rescue Commission Policy, or individual actions of ECC personnel.
3.3 Complainant - The individual or organization expressing the complaint.
3.4 Shift Supervisor - The officer-in-charge of ECC at the time a complaint is received.

4.0 The Department of Fire and Rescue Services must investigate all written complaints regarding disagreements with ECC policy, ECC's application of a Fire and Rescue Commission policy or individual actions of ECC personnel.
4.1 Complaints must be handled in a timely fashion. The objective is to resolve complaints within 30 days.
4.2 A written response will be provided to acknowledge the receipt of a complaint within 10 days of receipt of the complaint.
4.3 A written statement regarding the resolution of a complaint should be provided to the complainant within 30 days of receipt of the complaint.
4.4 All complaints and the associated responses must be documented by completing the DRFS, ECC Complaint Form.

5.0 The Communications Officer is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy.

6.0 The complainant must complete the appropriate section of the Department of Fire and Rescue Services Emergency Communications Center Complaint Form. If a detailed explanation of the complaint is necessary, a memorandum must be attached to the complaint form. All complaints must be forwarded to the Communications Officer via the chain of command, by either the Chief of the Fire/Rescue Corporation or the Deputy Chief of the Bureau of Operations.
6.1 The Communications Officer must investigate the complaint, determine its accuracy and need for action.
6.2 Once a complaint has been investigated, the complainant must be notified in writing of the results of the investigation and any corrective action (excluding disciplinary actions) that has taken place. If the complainant is not satisfied with the investigation or action taken, they may resubmit the complaint, with cause, to the next level in accordance with 6.3 of this policy.
6.3 All outstanding complaints must be forwarded to the Bureau Chief, Bureau of Program Support Services. The Bureau Chief, will forward any complaints requiring further action to the Director, Department of Fire and Rescue Services. Upon resolution all documents related to the complaint will be returned to the Communications Officer to be filed.
6.4 Disciplinary action initiated as a result of a complaint must conform to DFRS Policy #503.
6.5 The Director of the Department of Fire/Rescue Services reserves the right to suspend this complaint procedure in the event of false or intentionally harassing complaints.

7.0 Emergency Communications Center Complaint Form.

8.0 This policy cancels Policy #902 dated October 25, 1990

Policy & Procedure Manual

Attachment 7.0



Complainant_________________________________________________________________ (Name/Rank/Organization)

Mailing Address _____________________________________________________________

____________________________________________ Daytime Phone # ________________

Complaint __________________________________________________________________


__________________________________________________________Memo Attached o

Signature and Date

ECC Supervisor's Comments____________________________________________________


_____________________________________ Follow Up: Yes o No o Memo Attached o Signature and Date

ECC Operations Supervisor's Comments___________________________________________


_____________________________________ Follow Up: Yes o No o Memo Attached o Signature and Date

Communications Officer's Comments______________________________________________


_____________________________________ Follow Up: Yes o No o Memo Attached o Signature and Date

Bureau Chief's Comments______________________________________________________


_____________________________________ Follow Up: Yes o No o Memo Attached o Signature and Date

Solution ___________________________________________________________________



Resolved By ________________________________________________ Memo Attached o

AD90022 2/98