Montgomery County Government DTS-GIS Keyword List
A list of primary
and secondary keywords (bulleted items) are presented below. If your
particular data set is listed as a secondary keyword, then assign the primary
keyword when completing the on-line metadata form.
- Agricultural Preservation
- Agricultural Demographics
- Agricultural Chemicals / Fertilizers
- Agricultural Plants
- Agricultural Engineering
- Agricultural Aerosols / Pesticides
Annotation / Text
- Street Text
- Big Streets Text
- County Wide Text
- Place Name Text
- Area Name Text
- Fish Hatchery
- Fish Ladders
Archeological Sites
- Archeological Survey Areas
- Potential Archeological Survey Areas
- Paleo-ecological sites
- Precipitation
- Temperature
- Winds
- Radiation Budget
- Clouds
- Weather Stations
Base map
- Planimetric / Topographic
- Buildings
- Contours
- Impervious surfaces
- Steep slopes
- Spot Elevations
- Property boundaries
- Tax assessment data
- Ownership (federal, state,
local, private)
- Easements (Conservation)
Business and Economic Development
- Business and/or Industry Locations
- Business and/or Industry Demographics
- Manufacturing Centers
- Technology Centers
- Shopping Centers
Cartographic Elements
- ArcView/ArcInfo Legends
- Fonts
- ArcView/ArcInfo Symbol Palettes
Census / Demographics
- Tracts
- Block groups
- Blocks
- County Census
- State Census
- MOP/MNCPP demographics
- Socio-economic data
- Demographics (population, income, poverty, education, age, etc..)
Churches / Cemeteries
College / University
- Community College
- 4-Year College / University
Commercial Revitalization
- Silver Spring Redevelopment
- Fenton Street Village
- Four Corners
- Kensington
- Wheaton Redevelopment
- Telecommunications
- Communication Towers
- Fiber connections
Community Facilities
- Regional Service Centers
- Government Services / Buildings
- Community Centers
Digital Elevation Models
Digital Orthophotos
- Maryland DOQQ's
- Orthophotos
- Scanned and Geo-rectified
Emergency Management
- Hazardous Waste
- SARA Sites
- Natural Disasters
Environmental Monitoring
- Water Quality (Benthic Studies included)
- Air Quality
- Runoff
- Sediment loading
- Brownfields
- Inactive landfills
- Water Treatment
- Wastewater Treatment
- Sludge Disposal Sites
- Land surface application
- Septic Systems
- Ecosystems
Fire and Rescue
- Corporations
- Response Areas
- Station Locations
- Districts
- Rescue Areas
- Fire Boxes
Fish and Wildlife
- Endangered Species
- Fisheries Data
- Wildlife Management Areas
Flood Plains
- 100 - Year Tidal Flood plain
- 100 - Year Non-Tidal Flood Plain
- 500 - Year Flood Plain
- Floodway
- Riparian Forest Buffers
- Urban Forest Inventories
- Forest Patches / Land Cover Classification
- Forest Management / Regulation
- Timber Surveys
Geodetic Points
Geographic Base File
Government Boundaries
- County
- State
- Metropolitan Region
- Aquifers
- Well Locations
- Well-head protection
- Aquifer Recharge Areas
Health and Human Services
- Children, Youth, and Family Services
- Adult Mental Health and Substance Abuse
- Aging and Disability Services
- Crisis, Income, and Victim Services
- Public Health Services
Historic Sites
- Historic Register
- Historic Properties
- Historic Districts
- Preservation Easements
- Water Bodies / Lakes and Ponds
- Rivers
- Streams
- Creeks
- Reaches
- Runoff
- Dams
- Precipitation
- Springs
- Shoreline
- Watersheds
- Sub-watersheds
Index Maps
- Map Tile Grid
- Maryland DOQQ Grid
- USGS 7.5 Minute Grid
Land Use and Land Cover
- Land use classifications
- Land cover classifications
Medical Center
- Hospitals
- Health Centers
- Health Clinics
- Health Care Complexes
Military Facility
- Lots
- Garages
- On-street parking
- County Parks
- Regional Parks
- State Parks
- National Parks
- Road Permit Locations
- Building Construction Permit Locations
- Water Resource Permits
- Well and Septic Permits
Planning and Zoning
- Master Plans
- Planning areas
- Zoning areas
- Sewer and Water Service areas
- Municipal Service areas
- Smart Growth
- Police Beats
- Police Districts
- Reporting Areas
- Police Stations
- Crime Statistics
Public Transportation / Transit
- Transit
- Metro Bus
- Metro Subway Lines
- Ride On Bus Routes
- Metro Stations
- MARC Train Lines
- Athletic Fields / Track / Stadium / Arena
- Boating Facilities / Marina
- Camp ground / site
- Golf Courses
- Picnic Areas
- Swimming Pools
- Recreation Centers
- Trails and Bikeways
Refuse and Recycling
- Solid waste
- Land fills
- Recycling Service Areas
- Refuse Service Areas
- Leaf pickup areas
- Centerlines
- Major County Roads
- State and US Roads
- Interstates
- Street Address Information
- Street Directional Information
- Highways
Satellite Images
- Landsat
- Terraserver
- Elementary School
- Middle School
- High School
- Special Education
- Technical Training
- Training Centers
Snow Removal
- Snow Routes
- Maintenance Depots
- State - STATSGO
- County - SSURGO
- Soil databases
- Soil Engineering properties
- Camera Locations
- Alternate Routes
- Intersections
Transportation Engineering
- Speed humps
- Signage
- Lighting
- Bridges
- Culverts
- Overpasses
Utilities / Transmission Lines
- Electric - PEPCO Lines
- Sub-station locations
- Herbaceous
- Shrubs
- Saplings
- Moss
- Ferns
Copyright Montgomery County Government, 2003.