Diverse couple hiking and Live Well logo in background.


LiveWell is Montgomery County Government’s joint labor-management award-winning employee wellness program. LiveWell’s mission is to cultivate a culture of well-being through holistic programs, resources, and policies that empower employees to lead a healthier lifestyle. It focuses on the six dimensions of wellbeing:
  • Emotional
  • Financial
  • Intellectual
  • Occupational
  • Physical
  • Social


LiveWell programs are free and open to insurance-eligible Montgomery County Government and participating agency employees. You do not have to be enrolled in a health plan, just eligible to enroll.

Wellness Wednesday emails

Stay up to date on all LiveWell health campaigns, onsite and virtual events, challenges, webinars and much more. Program registration information for all events is included in this biweekly communication; take advantage of all the great programs available!

Wellness Service Requests

Want to host a department-specific wellbeing event? Let LiveWell help! Email your request to LiveWell@montgomerycountymd.gov.

Questions and Feedback

Contact us at LiveWell@montgomerycountymd.gov

Connect with us at Livewell Facebook

Available Programs

To learn more and register, click on the available programs and resources below:


Gold Bell Seal for Mental Health Award
Gold Bell Seal for Workplace Mental Health
In 2023 and 2024, Montgomery County Government (MCG) received the Gold Bell Seal for Workplace Mental Health. This national award recognizes the County's employee-centered programs and efforts aimed at promoting mental health in the workplace. It is a distinction awarded by Mental Health America (MHA) to companies that meet mentally healthy workplace standards. MCG's as a Gold Bell Seal-certified organization demonstrates outstanding commitment to employee mental health and well-being.
Well-Being 100 Award
This national award honors those who "make wellness happen" for an organization — the innovators, motivators and gamechangers who have what it takes to engage their employee population to be healthier. It was presented to Montgomery County Government at the Healthcare Congress in Orlando in late October 2018.
Health at Work Award™ – Gold Award
This award, sponsored by ComPsych, was received September 2018. This organization selects winners based on their wellness program’s comprehensiveness, delivery, promotion, participation rates and results achieved.
Alliance for Workplace Excellence – Health and Wellness Seal of Approval
This award, received June 2019, recognizes employers who provide innovative programs for employee health and wellness.
Healthiest Maryland Businesses – Silver Award 
This award, received June 2019, highlights exemplary accomplishments in worksite health promotion and is the state’s initiative to support healthy workplaces.