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Shop Warranties

Our sample invoice reflects the requirement that the invoice specify if there is an express warranty on parts and labor. We have used 90 days/4000 miles in our sample, but you may give a longer or shorter express warranty.  In fact, you don't have to give any express warranty of your own (but as noted under "Manufacturer Warranties," you do have to pass along the warranty of the parts manufacturer or supplier).

If you offer an express warranty, all limitations must be stated and it is advisable to be as specific as possible about what is covered and what you and the consumer are obligated to do if a problem arises.  Many shops have chosen to do this in a separate warranty document that they give the consumer with the final invoice, or on the back of the invoice itself.

In addition to express warranties, there are implied warranties. In Maryland, whenever you sell a part to a consumer, even a used part, there is an implied (unstated) warranty that it is fit for ordinary use and will last a reasonable length of time.  Maryland law does not allow implied warranties to be disclaimed or limited. An invoice can not contain limiting language such as "seller disclaims all warranties."  

If you have questions about warranties, feel free to call OCP. In addition, "A Businesperson's Guide to Federal Warranty Law" is available free from the Federal Trade Commission's website.