
The OCP strives for excellence in service to our businesses and consumers. Here are a few of the “fan mails” we have received.


“I am writing to express my sincere appreciation to the Office of Consumer Affairs (OCP) for the assistance and support, received from your office, with resolution for my complaint, Case #xxx. The OCP investigator assigned to my case … was professional, knowledgeable, patient and diligent as she guided me through the different stages of the system during the past year, to reach resolution and finally to obtain justice.”  

"I truly believe you are THE ONE and ONLY effective agency that could get this kind of matter resolved! I complained to your local Better Business Bureau about the online [merchant], but they closed my case simply because the company failed to respond to their letter :(.  I also complained to two other agencies, but neither has taken any action on it....ONLY YOU, YES, the only ONE, really took IMMEDIATE ACTION and HELPED ME!" 

"We have been residents of Montgomery county since the early 50s and appreciate the help of your Office over the years. Montgomery County residents are fortunate to have you." 

"While it is fashionable these days to support efforts to downsize government, I believe the Office of Consumer Affairs to be a most worthwhile arm of government, providing truly essential services to the public." 

You are all that someone representing the County or anyone should be.  You are pleasant, courteous, efficient, and intelligent.  I especially appreciated that I could reach you with just a phone call and speak to you immediately."


“I wanted to write to let you know of my experience in obtaining a license with your agent [licensing specialist]. I have been a near life-long resident of Montgomery County, MD and I had an exceptional experience. First, I applied for a license and was contacted by [the licensing specialist] who so graciously guided me to the steps through email and phone conversations. Second, at every step from email to phone conversations, [she] guided me to the correct channel and or procedure. Third, [she] followed up immediately with my phones calls and or emails and the very next day I had a copy of my license in my email. My entire experience was wonderful and timely.”

"On behalf of the [Business A], I want to express my gratitude to the OCP for facilitating the mediation between [Business A] and [Business B] and to [mediator] for his professional conduct of the meeting and his effective role in helping the parties reach the agreement."

"Thank you very much first of all for contacting me and explaining everything and also for this email. You really helped us to avoid future problems and misunderstandings!"

Outreach & Education

“Everyone was so excited with the great info you provided. Your explanations were clear and well explained with excellent examples.”

"I was lucky to see the report by Susan Hogan from NBC 4 last evening and your video on the coupon scams tactics when you invite a Duct cleaning service company into your home. Please note that you run an excellent office which is responsive to the consumer concerns."  

"Thank you so very much for your excellent presentation... many residents told me how much they appreciated your very informative talk. Other residents have spoken about your insightful Q&A followup and the handout pamphlets you brought for them."

"Your comments to the audience were educational, thought provoking, and well received by everyone in attendance. Additionally, your participation was invaluable in helping our efforts to provide education, training, and enforcement [by a sister agency]."