Roll Call of Honor
Police Officer III Noah Leotta
(EOW 12/10/15)

December 10, 2015
It is with profound sadness that the Department confirms that Montgomery County Police Officer Noah Leotta has succumbed to injuries he sustained when he was struck by a driver suspected of driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol on December 3.
Officer Noah Leotta, age 24, grew up in Montgomery County, was a Sherwood High School graduate, and attended Montgomery College. Officer Leotta interned with the Police Department from December 2011 to January 2013. He shadowed 1st District Officer John Romack, whose primary focus was enforcement of impaired-driving laws, and then was mentored by officers of the Alcohol Initiatives Section.
In January 2013, Officer Noah Leotta was hired as a Montgomery County Police Officer Candidate and attended the Montgomery County Police Academy as a member of Session 58. The class graduated in July 2013 and Noah was assigned to the 4th District for field training. When he completed his training, he remained in the 4th District as a 4th District patrol officer.
On the night that he was struck, Officer Leotta was working as a member of the annual Holiday Alcohol Task Force. These officers devote their full time and attention to detecting alcohol-related offenses during the holiday season.
Officer Noah Leotta had a passion for serving the community and was an exemplary officer as evidenced by comments in a recent performance evaluation. His supervisor wrote, “He arrives at work early every day with a smile on his face as though he can’t wait to start the day. His enthusiasm for the job is unwavering and infectious.” His supervisor further explained, “He is humble and selfless and never seeks any recognition for himself. Officer Leotta is always willing to help out fellow officers in any way he can.”
Chief J. Thomas Manger said, “Noah loved his job and demonstrated a level of enthusiasm that drove a work ethic and professionalism that we can all aspire to. These qualities made him the man and the police officer that he was.”
The Department asks that you keep in your thoughts and prayers, Officer Noah Leotta, his family, his friends, his fellow officers, and the countless people whose lives he touched.