Bureaus- Patrol Services

AC Will Parker
Assistant Chief
- Darren Francke

The Patrol Services Bureau (PSB) provides direct police patrol services to the public through the six District Stations. Personnel at the district stations:

  • provide an initial response to incidents
  • identify crime
  • identify and address traffic offenses
  • identify community hot spots
  • work in partnership with residents to solve problems of mutual concern.


Executive Officer: Lieutenant Dan Helton Email:  Dan.Helton@montgomerycountymd.gov

District Station Units

District Traffic Section

District Traffic Section enforces traffic laws and supports efforts for overall collision reduction.

Special Assignment Team (SAT)

Undercover surveillance is an effective crime-fighting tool for drug and weapons offenses. The mitigation of crime trends is enhanced by deploying officers in street clothes.

District Community Action Team (DCAT)

DCATs are deployed to conduct targeted enforcement operations in response to identified crime increases and trends. These teams engage the community in community policing efforts to sustain improvements achieved through joint partnership efforts.

Patrol Investigations Unit (PIU)

PIUs investigate theft from autos, shoplifting, and other quality-of-life trends.

Duty Commanders

The Duty Commander assumes command of the department in the absence of the Chief of Police and other senior departmental executive officers. The Duty Commander also provides field supervision to ensure adherence to established departmental policies, procedures, rules, and regulations.

Captain Edwin Daniel, Duty Commander Email: Edwin.Daniel@montgomerycountymd.gov

Captain James Brown, Duty Commander  Email: James.Brown@montgomerycountymd.gov