Reporting a hate-bias incident
If you are the victim of a Hate-Bias event or witness a Hate-Bias event, the MCPD encourages you to come forward and report what happened.
What constitutes a hate crime in Maryland?
- Under MD Criminal Law 10-301, through 10-308, a person may not: commit a crime that is motivated either in whole or substantial part by another person's or group's race, color, national origin, religious belief, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, homelessness, or disability.
- A bias-related incident may be motivated by the same reasons as a hate crime but is different because the initial action did not rise to the level of a criminal offense.
Reporting hate-bias incident
The MCPD will document every allegation of a hate crime or bias incident and further investigate. The Community Engagement Division (CED) monitors and tracks all Hate-Bias events in Montgomery County. The CED can conduct safety conversations with any community group and be reached at
Reporting issues
- Trust - we are working to rebuild trust with many communities, especially the disenfranchised and communities of color. We will enhance community relations and build trust through transparency, accountability, and strong leadership.
- Language Barrier - our Department utilizes 24/7 interpreting services. Our Department has 194 officers who are certified in speaking another language.
- Citizenship - Montgomery County's policy is not to inquire about anyone's immigration status, nor does the county conduct any immigration enforcement or investigations; we are not a "sanctuary" jurisdiction.
Bystander intervention
- Distract, Delegate, Document, Delay, Direct
- Ask the target for directions, ask for help from a 3rd party, and document the event (record, if safe, to do so; keep a safe distance, film street signs or landmarks to help identify the location, say the day and time).
- Ask the victim if THEY want the footage.
- Check in with the victim after the event.
- Speak up about the harassment.
Additional resources for assistance
Montgomery County's Office of Human Rights
Call: 240-777-8450 -
Montgomery County Office of Community Partnerships
Call: 240-777-0311 -
Montgomery County Communities United Against Hate
Call: 240-777-0311 -
Montgomery County Committee Against Hate/Violence
Call: 240-777-0311 - Montgomery County Compensation Funds: -
Human Rights &
Call: 240-777-0311 -
Montgomery County State's Attorney's Office
Call: 240-777-7300 - Maryland Attorney General's Civil Rights Division
Call: 240-777-0311 -
Maryland Attorney General's Hate Crime Hotline
Call: 1-866-481-8361 -
State of Maryland Commission of Civil Rights
Call: 410-767-8600