Water Fitness Classes

Take a break from the gym, and dive into MCR’s aqua fitness classes instead. We have a variety of programs that offer workouts to help you get fit and feel great, while building cardiovascular fitness and strength. Because of their low-impact format, water exercise classes are suitable for almost every age and fitness level. And just like swimming, water exercise classes are easy on your joints!

woman in shallow water aerobics class
women in pool
water fitness class

Abs & Glutes & More

Shallow water aerobics class with high energy packed with power that will sculpt your abs, glutes, and more. Gloves are recommended and can be purchased at the class.

Aqua Cardio Dance

A Latin-based workout that integrates dance and exercise! Aqua Dance adds all of the benefits of aquatic exercise to these popular high-energy dance workouts. No dance background necessary, just a willingness to move and have fun. The workout is a party, come join the fun!

Aqua Lite

Great place to start in the water. A class that is low intensity and low impact, and will improve joint flexibility, balance and coordination. For those with pain and stiffness of arthritis, or recovering from injury or surgery, this gentle but active class helps reduce muscle weakness, pain and stiffness in the upper and lower body. Great for first time exercisers and anyone wanting a gentle workout.

Aqua YO-Lates

Aqua YO-Lates blends both yoga and Pilates exercises together giving you the best of both worlds. The gentle movement sequences will improve ROM (range of motion) and help strengthen the whole body.

Hi/Lo Cardio Fusion

A unique class that gives a cardio workout with a blend of yoga and Pilates exercises infused into the workout.

Water Aerobics

Fast-paced aerobics class done in shallow water. High intensity workout uses water to cushion feet, knees and back. Emphasis on cardiovascular conditioning.

Water Exercise

Multi-level aerobics class using water resistance to increase range of motion, strengthen muscles and improve cardiovascular fitness. It is not necessary to get your face wet.

Deep Water Running

Ideal cardiovascular exercise with no weight-bearing stress. Beneficial for cross-training and/or rehabilitating persons requiring the cushioning of deep water. Deep water belt is required and may be purchased at the pool for $20.

Against the Current

A power water walking class that walks against the current in the outdoor lazy river. Lo-impact with high intensity that will sculpt the inches. Shoes are a must, gloves are recommended and can be purchased from instructor. Various equipment will be provided for upper body strength training in this co-ed class.

Aqua Spin

Patrons of all fitness levels can spin their wheels on a stationary bike in the water. This invigorating class combines the best of a cycle spinning class with a water exercise class. Some of these benefits include: high intensity workout using the water to cushion and protect the joints as well as facilitate high caloric burn, lean muscle building of upper and lower body, and cardio conditioning. Get ready to have fun. Aqua shoes are mandatory.

Program FAQ


  • Increase muscle strength – Resistance in the pool helps to ensure the body’s muscles get a rigid workout.
  • Build endurance – Unlike traditional weights, water resistance is a more natural resistance which requires the body to strain through the water rather than against it.
  • Increases flexibility – The joints naturally increase their range of motion.
  • Low-impact exercise – The buoyancy of the water helps takes off some of the impact we tend to place on our body, due to our own water weight. This is particularly appealing to those with joint conditions such as arthritis or those currently undergoing physical rehabilitation.
  • Alleviates pressure on the joints – Studies have shown water-based exercises such as water aerobics relieve pressure placed on joints from normal wear-and-tear and arthritis. In fact, hydrotherapy is shown to be the leading form of therapy for those suffering from joint problems.
  • Burns calories – The water resistance in aquatic exercise ensures the body is getting a full workout. Depending on cardio activity, weight (including additional weights such as dumbbells and weight belts), water temperature, volume and buoyancy, the body can burn between 400 to 500 calories in an hour of exercise.


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