Special Events

The Senior Programs Team provides, or participates in, a wide-variety of special events throughout the year. We don’t need a reason to celebrate! Along with holiday parties, international celebrations, and seasonal events, we enjoy promoting and participating in community events that include: Health Fairs, Fitness Days, Senior Expos, World Elder Abuse Awareness Days, joint programs with other County agencies/Departments, Senior Proms, Travel Fairs, Talent Shows, Socials, and a host of other events. For more information visit our Senior Centers, check out the current Guide, or call 240-777-4925.

Our department offers many other special event opportunities. For more information visit our events page.

group of seniors

Cardboard Regatta 

The senior programs team has organized a cardboard boat regatta for the past two years. Teams from the senior centers come together to build boats and race against time to be declared the fastest vessel in the water. The only catch, each boat must be made out of cardboard, duct tape and garbage bags. There are additional awards for Team Spirit, Spectacular Sink and for the most creative cruiser. 

Centenarian Celebration 2023

In 2023 Montgomery County Recreation hosted its first Centenarian Celebration.

View the photos.

View the presentation below.