TR Volunteers

Volunteers are more than just helpers. They are givers who encourage participants to participate to the fullest extent and provide support with commitment and enthusiasm. Volunteers are needed on a seasonal basis to either assist program staff, or work as an inclusion companion.

- Earn SSL hours
- Share your passion
- Be invited to special events
- Receive recommendation letters for jobs
- Make a difference in the lives of others
The rewards are paid in smiles!
Location: Volunteers are needed throughout Montgomery County during the day, evening, or on weekends.
Afterschool, Evenings, Weekends

TR Volunteers support Classes and Programs
Classes for individuals with disabilities include aquatics, art, dance, fitness, several sports programs and more. Check out the current Guide or visit ActiveMONTGOMERY for an up-to-date list of current offerings.
Special Events
A number of special events such as theme dances, pool parties and picnics are offered throughout the year. Assisting with one of these events is a great opportunity to volunteer on a one time basis.
Afterschool Programs
Volunteers are needed during afterschool hours to assist individuals with a disability participate in recreation programs with individuals without disabilities. Programs meet at many of our recreation department community centers and schools. Free training provided!
Other Opportunities:
In addition to volunteer opportunities, there are also employment opportunities with Montgomery County Recreation.
If you still haven’t found the right fit for your interests and your skills, additional volunteer opportunities in other agencies can be found at the Montgomery County Volunteer Center.