
people at futsal game

Soccer4Change is a comprehensive collective approach to soccer outreach; blending innovative components from Montgomery County Recreation's successful Winter Futsal program and outreach strategies from our partnering agencies. This program has been designed to eliminate the barriers of participation for our middle and high school population and connect our young people to critical developmental assets through soccer.

Montgomery County Recreation, Identity, Inc., Street Outreach Network, City of Gaithersburg and other nonprofit agencies have partnered to create Soccer4Change as a year-round outdoor soccer outreach initiative.

Soccer4Change aims to reduce the sense of isolation, despondency and social adjustments, that cause youth to participate in more risky behaviors by creating a pathway between school and out-of-school time support, opportunities, programs and services while reinforcing positive characteristic development through the four Characteristics of A.R.T.T. (Accountability, Respect, Trustworthiness and Teamwork). The program helps participants increase emotional competences including emotional management, problem solving, self-efficacy and connection to the community.

View photos from past seasons.