Full Time Career Opportunities
Our application process has gone green! Montgomery County Recreation posts all of its full-time career opportunities on the County’s main online applicant system – iRecruitment. The system is best accessed from one of the following internet browsers on your computer:
- Internet Explorer (7 or higher)
- Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Safari

You can search for job vacancies in the Recreation Department by clicking the “Search Jobs” tab at the top of the page and selecting the job category you are interested in – whether it is clerical/administrative, general professional, or management.
By typing in “Recreation” into the keywords box, choosing “all” for the date posted, then “search,” you can easily pull up all of the current Montgomery County Recreation jobs that are available.
If you do not already have an AccessMCG Extranet account, you will need to click “ Register Today” and follow the directions for creating an account. Once that is done and the system activates your new registration (which sometimes takes up to 15 minutes), then you will be able to apply online for County jobs, check your application status, and regularly log in to view new opportunities as they are posted.
Be sure to remember your password so that you can log back into the system as needed.