Need Health Insurance? Find out if you qualify to enroll today!

You might qualify to enroll outside the annual open enrollment period if you have recently had a qualifying life event, such as getting married or divorced, having a child, moving to Maryland, losing job-based coverage or becoming ineligible for Medicaid or MCHP.
If you’re eligible for Medicaid or the Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP), you can enroll any time of year.

For assistance with your health insurance application or schedule an appointment, call 240-777-1815

Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Apply online at
Need free help with your private health insurance in 30 minutes or less? Connect with a broker.

¿Necesita Seguro Médico? ¡Averigua si calificas para inscribirte hoy mismo!

Usted podría reunir los requisitos para inscribirse fuera del período de inscripción abierta anual, si recientemente ha tenido un evento de vida calificado, como casarse o divorciarse, tener un hijo, mudarse a Maryland, perder la cobertura basada en el trabajo o dejar de ser eligible para Medicaid o MCHP.
Si usted es eligible para obtener Medicaid o el Programa de Salud Infantil de Maryland (MCHP), puede inscribirse en cualquier época del año.

Para recibir asistencia con su aplicación de seguro médico o programar una cita, llame al 240-777-1815

Lunes a viernes, 8 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Aplicar en línea
¿Necesita ayuda gratuita con su seguro médico privado en 30 minutos o menos? Conéctese con un agente de seguros.


How Does the Affordable Care Act Work and What Does It Do?

Learn all about the ACA

How much will I have to Pay?

Understanding Your Health Insurance Costs: Premiums, deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses.

Real Life Stories

Listen to the Weavers talk about their experience using the Affordable Care Act.

County Executive's Customer Service Commitment

Montgomery County Government is committed to providing exceptional service to our many diverse communities, residents and businesses. I encourage you to contact me if you feel that you have not received excellent service, or have compliments or other comments related to the service you received from your county government.
-Marc Elrich, Montgomery County Executive
Send email to County Executive Marc Elrich