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Montgomery County Correctional Facility

Community Advisory Group MCCFCAG/Clarksburg
Correctional Education Association

Advisory Date
Montgomery County Correctional Facility
Warden Robert Green ~ (240) 773-9700
MCCF Warden Office
Management Team
Warden Robert Green
Shelford Gilliam-Deputy Warden Security
Suzy Malagari - Deputy Warden Inmate Services
Harry R. Vaughn - Deputy Warden Operations


Bina Allgood - OSC, MCCF, Craig Dowd - Workforce Coordinator, MCCF, Shelford Gilliam - Deputy Warden, MCCF, Rev. Leon Grant - Advisory Committee, Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
Rob Green - Warden, MCCF, Sara Griggs - Clarksburg United Methodist Church, Kathie Hulley- Clarksburg Civic Association, Barbara James - Model Learning Center, MCCF, Kelli K. Jones - Life Skills Workshop, Titus Ledbetter III - The Gazette, Stefan LoBuglio - Chief, Pre-Release and Re-Entry Services Div., Suzy Malagari - Deputy Warden, MCCF, Mary Saxon-Clipper - Program and Volunteer Coordinator, MCCF, Dr. William Sondervan - Correctional Education Assoc. Auditor, Dr. William Toller - Correctional Education Assoc. Audito, Rev. Timothy Warner - Onesimus HRD, Inc.


Warden Green welcomed everyone


Correctional Education Association
Warden Green began the meeting by introducing two auditors from the Correctional Education Association (CEA); Dr. William Sondervan and Dr. William Toller.  The Montgomery County Correctional Facility (MCCF) Model Learning Center (MLC) is being audited by the Correctional Education Association today.  If successful, MCCF would be the only county jail in the State of Maryland to be fully accredited in the area of correctional education. 

Barbara James, the MLC Director has been working towards becoming accredited in the area of correctional education.  Much importance is given to our education, vocational, GED, or adult basic education programs.  On any given day we have 125 to 135 inmates involved in these educational programs. 

Warden Green had the group attend the opening session for the CEA audit with Dr. Sondervan and Dr. Toller and than return to continue the meeting.

Our department has been going through several professional audits over the last 45 days.  Both MCDC and MCCF were audited on March 26 to 28 by the American Correctional Association (ACA).  The final commission hearings are in August.  The National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) audit was conducted in April with 100% compliance finding.

Warden Green would like to start an advisory subcommittee; Education and Vocational Subcommittee.  This would consist of five members.  If any of the group or anyone you know in the community is interested, please contact Warden Green at 240-773-9747.  More information will be posted on our web site in the future. 

This year’s “Camp Starfish” is scheduled for August 5 - 8, 2007.  It will be held at Camp Marymac in Sharpsburg, Maryland.  The camp is designed to allow the child of an incarcerated inmate the ability to participate in a structured summer camp at no cost to the family. 

Camp Hope is being held June 24 - 29, 2007 at West River in Churchton, Maryland, sponsored by the United Methodist Church. 

Kingsley Wilderness Program
Kathie Hulley spoke of her concern about the Kingsley Wilderness Program not being funded and will close at the end of this school year.  The school is for students who don’t fit into the regular school program for one reason or another.  In speaking to a few of the participants of the program, Kathie sees the success that they have accomplished.  What can be done to continue funding for this program?  

Other Discussion

  • Warden Green invited Titus Ledbetter (The Gazette) to a Re-Entry meeting which meets every other Wednesday at 1 p.m.  There are many resources that attend this meeting; faithbased, community providers, Health and Human Services, volunteers, non-profits, as well as DOCR staff.  He would like to also report on the upcoming camps this summer. 
  • Rev. Grant and his staff are now better able to concentrate on more support for our young people.  They hope to attend more functions.  He spoke of cluster out reach, which are areas where the youth need their help. 
  • Kelli Jones of Life Skills Workshop – The program was awarded the Montgomery County Civics Federation Gazette Award for continued service to Montgomery County.  Kelli plans to meet with Mary Saxon-Clipper and to get the word out through a newsletter for volunteers to come and work with the women of Life Skills.
  • Mary Saxon-Clipper reported on the Volunteer Banquet which honored all the volunteers that come to MCCF and give their time.  It was attended by approximately 150 people.

Montgomery County Correctional Facility
Address: 22880 Whelan Lane, Boyds, Maryland 20841
Contact: Warden Robert Green at (240) 773-9700
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