
Together, with residents and business owners, and the funding made possible by the WQPC, DEP inspects and maintains stormwater management facilities in the County to keep residents and visitors safe while protecting the environment. Inspections are conducted on a triennial basis, or every 3 years. The county is divided into three regions geographically. Every year all of the facilities in that years region receive an inspection. There are some difference in the order of operations depending on the facility type and what property classification the facility is on. In general an inspection is completed followed by notifying the property owner if there is maintenance to be completed and what the next steps are. The data from these inspections is also used to comply with the Montgomery County’s MS4 permit.
Stormwater facilities can become clogged by trash, debris, sediment and mud, or other stormwater pollutants. They can develop structural cracks and leaks over time and need regular maintenance to prevent problems.
The inspection is used to determine a facility's condition and to identify its need for maintenance. Without proper inspections and maintenance, we would not know when a facility has failed. Once a facility fails, the cost of repairs is expensive and can result in property damage or other loss. Providing routine maintenance and inspections can keep the stormwater facilities working as intended, save money, property, and protect public safety.