Countywide Facade Improvement Program

(Interested property and business owners may submit a Program Interest Form via the link below, however, ​due to current funding limitations, we will NOT be reviewing potential projects for full submission and approval until July 1, 2025, at the earliest

​About DHCA’s Countywide Façade Easement Program

DHCA, through its Neighborhood Revitalization Section, provides technical and financial support to assist property and business owners with implementing significant physical improvements to the facades of their buildings and adjoining property sites. The Countywide Façade Improvement Program is now available to help transform the exteriors of older (10 or more years) commercial properties and/or businesses to meet today’s commercial standards and dramatically improve aestheic appeal. The overall objective is to encourage more visually inviting, safer commercial environments across the County. 

The Program will support the local economy through public/private investment, whereby eligible property and business owners are reimbursed up to 50% of the eligible costs for design and construction of approved facade improvement projects. Once completed, participants are required to maintain those improvements for a negotiated term, via a facade easement agreement with the County, depending on the project scope and level of County funding investement. Improvements may include new façade renovation and treatments, building and/or pylon signage, LED lighting, streetscape elements, landscape installation, art/mural installation, and other exterior amenities. The Countywide Façade Improvement Program Guidelines provide an overview of the Program, eligible and ineligible costs, funding levels and easement terms and other information to help participants better understand the process. 

Additionally, our Facade Design Guidebook was created to provide prospective and current Program participants with images, descriptions and ideas for many of the most common facade improvement elements. We hope the Guidebook will encourage participation in the Program by showing business and property owners a variety of potential improvements that can be achieved at lower, medium and higher cost ranges. 

If you are a County property or business owner and have an interest in making improvements to the exterior of your commercial property, please contact Kristina Ellis at [email protected] and/or complete a brief Program Interest Form.​ 

Hillandale Center Facade Improvement Project

  • Hillandale Center, located near New Hampshire Avenue & I-495 in the Silver Spring/Hillandale community, was the first project to be completed under the Countywide Façade Improvement Program (CFIP), officially launched July 1, 2022.
  • Property owner Ben Bran Associates, LLC, partnered with the County through participation in the CFIP to complete improvements including new facade design, color, tenant signage, LED lighting, pylon Center signage and rear parking lot illumination.
  • Completed in October 2023, total private investment was nearly $580,000 and benefitted seven local businesses.  

Directly above: pics before renovations 

Directly above: renovations underway

Directly above: completed project showing new facade color, lighting, tenant signage and fascia replacement on front of Center and replaced windows/framing and new paint color on rear of Center   

Directly above, after renovations from left: new Center pylon signage, vibrant new mural on south-facing wall, state & local elected officials, business owners and community members at 10/12/23 ribbon cutting celebration

​Flower Theater Facade Improvement Project

  • The Flower Theater opened in 1950 and quickly became a community anchor, serving as the economic engine for the Long Branch community and making it a regional destination up through the late 1970s. When it closed permanently in 1996, the Long Branch and surrounding communities lost much of their vitality.
  • However, with its Classical Modern design features, the Flower Theater building facade remained a significant architectural landmark for the community and has been designated historic by the Montgomery County Historic Preservation Commission. 
  • Montgomery Housing Partnership (MHP) managed the restoration project, on behalf of property owner Flower Avenue Shopping Center, LP, to bring the facade of the historic Flower Theater back to its original glory through participation in the CFIP.
  • The project included: cleaning and repair of masonry facade; restoring marquee to original style; removing, repairing and reinstalling the landmark neon "FLOWER" signage; repairing/upgrading all electrical elements to code; and repair/restoration of the ticket booth, entrance area and poster boxes. 
  • Completed in December 2023, total private investment was nearly $470,000 and, with the facade restorations complete, MHP is working with the property owner and local community on how best to reactivate the Flower Theater to once again serve as a community anchor.

Directly above, from left: Opening day February 15, 1950; Flower Theater facade pic from Google maps, June 2022

Donohoe construction crew working on iconic "FLOWER" signage; installation of new recessed lighting under restored triangular marquee 


Directly above: completed project pics taken at the 2/3/24 Relighting Ceremony, during the day and just after dark showcasing the bright, restored FLOWER and backlit marquee signage

​Link below to NBC4 News Coverage of the February 3, 2024 Flower Theater Relighting Ceremony