Agricultural Breweries

In Montgomery County Agricultural zones (AR, R, RC and RNC) A brewery, cidery, distillery or winery can be permitted if:
- The property is classified as agricultural by the Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation.
- The farm is registered with the Maryland Department of Agriculture (Soil Conservation District).
- Product used in production of beverage must be grown on site.
- The use is accessory to the working farm.
- The production is licensed by the State Comptroller’s office and Alcohol Beverage Services.
Grains, fruits, vegetables, flowers, or honey harvested within the 5-state area of Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania and the City of Washington DC.
At least 5 acres of fruit used in alcohol production grown on site or on abutting or confronting property rented by the producer AND 20 acres of grapes or other fruit in cultivation on property they own, rent or control OR source a majority of their grapes or other fruit from Maryland.
At least 1.0 acre of ingredients must be grown on site and the majority of their source ingredients must come from regionally-grown products.
Subject to all licensing requirements the facility may operate a tasting room and prepare and sell food to the extent allowed by the State alcohol manufacturing license.
Additional information
Onsite tasting room will require a Commercial Building Permit and a Use and Occupancy Permit.
Application for Farm Alcohol Production
Events are permitted on a case by case basis. To apply for events the owner or operator must submit a complete written business proposal including:
- A Site Plan with delineated areas of active farm and event area.
- Written description of how the active farm is being included during the event.
- Date, time and approximate number of guests per event.
Submit the package to DPS: Attention Zoning Division, 255 Rockville Pike, 2nd Floor, Rockville, MD 20850. Zoning staff will evaluate the submission and respond to your request. A minimum of 10 days will be needed to review the submission. It’s advised to submit prior to booking any events. Once a submission is granted you will be able to continue events on an annual basis.