Office of the County Executive

Vision Statement

A More Equitable and Inclusive
Montgomery County

  1. Thriving Youth and Families
  2. A Growing Economy
  3. A Greener County
  4. Easier Commutes
  5. A More Affordable and Welcoming County for a Lifetime
  6. Safe Neighborhoods
  7. Effective, Sustainable Government

Visit the vision statement for more information

County Executive's Customer Service Commitment

Montgomery County Government is committed to providing exceptional service to our many diverse communities, residents and businesses. I encourage you to contact me if you feel that you have not received excellent service, or have compliments or other comments related to the service you received from your county government.
-Marc Elrich, Montgomery County Executive
Send email to County Executive Marc Elrich


Business Center

The County Executive’s team focused on helping businesses start, grow, and stay in the County by conducting proactive outreach to the business community, helping businesses navigate County processes, and connecting businesses to critical resources. 

Internal Audit

This program provides independent strategic risk-based auditing services. The core function of this program is to improve internal controls and provide reasonable assurance.

Boards Committees & Commissions

The County Executive encourages constitudents to become actively involved in matters affecting the quality of life in County.

County Register

The Montgomery County Register provides information on proposed, adopted and temporary regulations issued by the County Executive, and Boards and Commissions.


The Innovation Team leads behavior change towards a just, liberating, human government by people. Innovation is open to all - join Open Innovation events to include and unleash everyone.

Climate Action Plan

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich unveiled the Climate Action Plan that will guide the County toward its goals of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 80 percent by 2027 and by 100 percent by 2035 compared to 2005 levels.

Citations, Commendations and Event Participation

Citations, Commendations and Meetings are a way for the County Executive to bring attention to the people, issues, and events that matter most in Montgomery County. Request a certificate, proclamation, letter or Event Participation from the County Executive for a milestone event.

Thrive 2050 Correspondence

County Executive Elrich’s Statements and Media Regarding Thrive Montgomery 2050

Veto of Bill 16-24

Veto of Bill 16-24, Development Impact Tax - Amendments

Welcome to Montgomery County's website.

photo of County Executive Marc ElrichWelcome to Montgomery County's  website. I hope that you take advantage of the many time-saving online services we've made available and that you find this information useful in accessing our many services.

Please email or call 240-777-0311, if you can't find the information you need, want to weigh in on an issue, or tell us what we're doing right or wrong.

signature of County Executive Marc Elrich

Marc Elrich,
County Executive