Citations, Commendations and Event Request

Commendations are acknowledgments of events, achievements, or activities in Montgomery County. On this page, you will find descriptions of the types of commendations available from Office of the County Executive, and instructions on how to request the commendations.


Certificates are issued to recognize outstanding achievements by our residents, businesses, and community groups. Below please find guidelines that reflect the general criteria the County Executive and his staff use when considering certificate requests

  • Outstanding service or deed by a person or organization
  • Openings of local businesses
  • Retirements, including military service
  • Milestone business anniversaries
  • Anniversaries to couples who are celebrating their 50th or subsequent anniversary
  • Birthdays over the age of 65
    (certificates are not given for high school or college graduations or receiving particular scholarships) Postumus certificates provided for service or deed by a person

Request a Certificate

Certificate Request by Montgomery County Employees

online printshop
  • Must be submitted through print shop available on ePortal
  • Must have VPN if submitting for remote work
  • Email [email protected] if any issues logging in

Login to ePortal

Scout Certificates

  • Scouts attaining the rank of Eagle Scout
  • Girl Scouts attaining the Gold Award

Request a Scout Certificates


Proclamations are issued to raise awareness of a specific cause, impactful date, or honor a leader in the community. Below please find guidelines that reflect the general criteria the County Executive and his staff use when considering proclamation requests

  • Remembrance of historical events and people
  • To raise awareness of issues effecting the residents of Montgomery County
  • Retirement of civically impactful individuals
  • Joint County Executive and County Council Proclamations are available with extended notice. Requests for presentation of a joint proclamation at County Council need to be sent directly to the County Council. Request for presentation at an event or the Office of the County Executive will need to complete the form accessible using the “Request a Proclamation” below.

Request a Proclamation

Letters from the County Executive

Letters from the County Executive are issued to address attendees to an event of honor or celebration. Below please find guidelines that reflect the general criteria the County Executive and his staff use when considering letter requests

  • To be included in programs
  • Honors to organizations for an event
  • Words or remembrance for someone who has passed away

Request Letters from the County Executive


Meeting or Event Request for County Executive Participation

If you would like to request a meeting or event with the County Executive, please complete this form.

Request County Executive Participation