Denial/Variance Letter Process Page

A variance may be requested when proposed project does not conform to the development standards of the zoning ordinance. The project may be new construction, addition, alteration or repair of existing conditions. A variance may be requested in any zone and includes accessory structures as well as primary buildings or dwellings. The Department will issue a Denial Letter which will be required for application of Variance with the Board of Appeals.
A property owner or another party authorized by the property owner may file a variance application with the Board of Appeals.
Any requirement of Chapter 59 can be applied for variance. Some common variances are distance from setback, forward of the rear building line and lot coverage.
Yes. Public notice is required by Section 7.5 Notice Standards of the Zoning Code.
A denial letter is a certificate issued by DPS that is required by the Board of Appeals as part of your variance application documents.
Yes, establishment of the variance must be done within one year of the issued decision. Once the approved variance has been established it will not expire and will continue with the property.
Submit your denial letter and associated plans to the Board of Appeals. Application and submittal information can be found on the BOA variance page