Sign Permit Permit & Review

A sign permit for a permanent sign is required before any exterior sign, as defined by the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance (59.6.7), may be erected in the County. This requirement applies to all types of signs, including free standing, wall-mounted, and marquee signs. Illuminated signs require both sign and electrical permits.
A permit is still required however the fee may be waived or reduced based on executive regulations for nonprofit organizations.
A sign variance is required when a proposed sign does not conform to the requirements of the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the size of the sign or its location. Please click here to access the Sign Variance process roadmap for additional details.
A sign permit for a permanent sign is valid for the life of the sign provided the sign remains in the location approved with the permit.
A political sign generally can be classified as either a temporary sign, which must be located on private property, or a limited duration sign which may be located on either public or private property.
We do not currently inspect signs for which our permits are issued. The sign must be erected or placed in accordance with the approved permit.
Sign permits are not permitted to be revised. When revisions or changes are needed to the issued permit, and new permit application must be submitted to DPS for review and approval.