Driveway ePLANS submittal requirements
Basic Submittal Requirements
- File names must not exceed 20 characters.
- You must complete your task using the eForm in ePlans to submit your information to DPS for review. Please see the ePlans Applicant User Guide or visit our eServices page for more information.
- DRAWINGS must be in uploaded into the drawings folder and each sheet must be a separate file. DOCUMENTS must be uploaded into the documents folder.
- CORRECTED information must be uploaded into the original folder using the sheet’s original file name. The REVISIONS folder is only for use after the permit has been issued.
- All drawings and documents must be uploaded within 5 business days of application to avoid possible forfeiture of filing fees and withdrawal of your application.
Specific Submittal Requirements
- Plans showing the limits of the right-of-way with existing features, including any impacted roadside tree(s), the proposed construction and its location within the right-of-way.
- If roadside trees are impacted, a Tree Protection Plan may be required.
- Each plan sheet must be uploaded as a single file PDF using the correct file name convention.
- Plans must be uploaded into the Drawings folder and Supporting Documents into the Documents folder.
- Plans should only be uploaded to the Revisions folder if revising a previously issued permit.
- If residential, proof of ownership may be required if current tax records do not reflect property ownership.
- Other drawings and documents may be required as determined by the plans reviewer.
Sheet/Drawing Type | Sheet/Drawing Reference Number | Acceptable ePlans File Name | Number of Characters |
Driveway | 001-999 | DWY001 | 6 |
Note: 001 denotes the first page in a set of drawings, the file name for the second page would end in 002 and so on.