Peer Review Program

The Department of Permitting Services offers a certified Peer Review program that potentially reduces review time once plans are formally submitted to DPS. This optional tool is available to applicants for engineered Public Right-of-Way and Sediment Control/Stormwater Management plans.

Regardless of whether a plan is peer reviewed, DPS maintains full regulatory authority to review and approve plans and permitting fees will be fully assessed.

Those who are interested in becoming a Peer Reviewer must be evaluated and certified by the DPS Peer Review Coordinator prior to offering any peer review services for projects in Montgomery County.

More about this program can be found in the Peer Review Program Manual and by visiting the DPS List of Certified Peer Reviewers webpage.

How it Works

Hiring a Peer Reviewer

How to be Peer Review Certified

  1. Submit an application Those who wish to be certified as a Peer Reviewer must provide an application that includes a resume and a list of five (5) Montgomery County projects in which they were involved within the last ten years. Completed applications should be emailed to and/or to If qualified, the candidate will be asked to complete a questionnaire in the related discipline, and to review a plan to identify significant deficiencies. If successful, DPS will approve the candidate’s certification for the Peer Review Program and provide general training.
  2. Get Certification Once certified, the Peer Reviewer will receive general training related to the review of plans for Montgomery County code compliance. They will also be provided access to County maps and resource materials to include documentation, design guidelines, manuals and links to DPS website pages or web sites of outside agencies.

  3. Responsibilities of a Peer Reviewer
    • Receiving plans directly from the design professional or applicant; the Peer Reviewer will not have access to the DPS ProjectDox software.
    • Reviewing all plans and related documents to determine conformance with codes and design standards and sending comments to the applicant’s design professional.
    • Recommending final design plans are ready for formal submission to DPS.
    • Collecting fees from their clients and meeting mutually agreed upon deadlines.

Resources for Peer Reviewer

DPS Certified Peer Reviewers

DPS Peer Review Coordinators

Mark Etheridge 240-777-6338
Engineered Sediment Control and Stormwater Management Plans

Atiq Panjshiri 240-777-6352
Engineered Public Right-of-Way Plans