Voter Registration - Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
All residents of Montgomery County may register to vote, if they meet the following requirements:
- United States citizen
- Maryland resident
- At least 16 years of age (you may register to vote at 16 but cannot vote until at least 18 years of age by the date of the next general or special election)
- Are not under guardianship for mental disability or if you are, have not been found by a court to be unable to communicate a desire to vote.
- Not currently serving a sentence of imprisonment for a felony conviction.
- Have not been convicted of buying or selling votes.
You have several options to register to vote:
You can complete our voter registration by utilizing an on-line application process provided by the State Board of Elections at Voter Registration: English / Espanol.
You can obtain a copy of a Voter Registration Application at any of the following sites in Montgomery County:
- Montgomery County Post Offices
- Montgomery County Public Libraries
- Montgomery County Public Schools
- Montgomery College Campuses
- Montgomery County Government Regional Services Centers
- Montgomery County Community Health Centers
- Montgomery County Aging and Disability Services
- Montgomery County MVA Offices
- Montgomery County Licensing
- Montgomery County Register of Wills
You can request a voter registration application by contacting or visiting
Montgomery County Board of Elections
18753 North Frederick Avenue Suite210
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Our office hours are 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday; telephone (240) 777-8500. -
You may have a voter registration form mailed to you by calling our 24-hour voter information line at (240) 777-VOTE and leaving your name and address after the recorded message.
- You can download a voter registration form by visiting Montgomery County Board of Elections website or by following Voter Registration: English / Espanol.
- Under Maryland election law, a voter registration application must contain the original signature and it must be mailed with a post mark date stamped on the envelope or hand delivered by the deadline.
Once your voter registration request is processed, a Voter Notification Card will be mailed to you. The card will contain key voter registration information: name, address, party affiliation, polling place location, and respective election districts.
If you have not received a card within three (3) weeks of sending in your voter registration application, please call the Board of Elections at (240) 777-8500.
You may register to vote at any time. However, other than for same-day registration during Early Voting and on Election Day, voter registration is closed from 21 days before until 11 days after the primary election, and 21 days before until 11 days after the general election. Voter registration applications received while the voter rolls are closed are processed when voter registration reopens.
Advanced Voter Registration Deadlines:
- 2026 Primary Election: June 9, 2026 (5:00 pm)
- 2026 General Election: October 13, 2026 (5:00 pm)
Once your voter registration request is processed, a Voter Notification Card will be mailed to you. The card will contain key voter registration information: name, address, party affiliation, polling place location, and respective election districts.
If you have not received a card within three (3) weeks of sending in your voter registration application, please call the Board of Elections at (240) 777-8500.
New Voter's Registration Application - No.Under Maryland election law, a voter registration application must contain the original signature. Therefore, it must be mailed with a postmark date stamped on the envelope, hand-delivered or deposited in an official election Drop Box by the deadline.
In Maryland, registration is permanent as long as you keep your Maryland address current. If you move within the state, you must notify the new jurisdiction of your change of address. If you move to another state, you must re-register in that jurisdiction and cancel your Maryland voter registration.
Request to Cancel Voter Registration (
Yes. In addition to basic identifying information, federal law requires that voter applications must provide a Maryland driver's license, learner's permit or MVA ID Card number or, if you do not have a driver's license number, at least the last four digits of your social security number on your application. Your application will NOT be successfully processed unless you provide this information or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that you do not have a driver's license or social security number. In accordance to State Board of Elections regulations the Local Board of Elections is required to mail a voter notification card to your residence to complete the application procedure.
Once your voter registration request is processed, a Voter Notification Card will be mailed to you. The card will contain key voter registration information: name, address, party affiliation, polling place location, and respective election districts.
If you have not received a card within three (3) weeks of sending in your voter registration application, please call the office at (240) 777-8500.
Yes. The board can mail you the application, fax the voter application or you can download from the Montgomery County website Voter Registration Application: English / Espanol. If this is your first time registering to vote in Maryland and you register by mail, you will be asked to produce identification when you vote the first time.
No. A person may only register to vote at his or her place of residence. A business address or PO Box number may only be used as a mailing address. The Board of Elections is required to mail a sample ballot before each election to all voters.
All registered voters are required to keep their voter registration information current. This includes changes of name, address or party affiliation. Maryland law requires voters to notify their respective elections office of these changes within 30 days or online .
A change of name, address or party affiliation must be made in writing and signed by the voter or online . Changes can be made at any time voter registration is open.
Advanced deadline to register to vote OR change name, address, or party affiliation:
- 2026 Primary Election: June 9, 2026 (5:00 pm)
- 2026 General Election: October 13, 2026 (5:00 pm)
Forms for voter registration changes are available at the Board of Elections, any of the Permanent Registration Application site (see Where do I register? for a list of the permanent sites) or can be downloaded here . You may also send any changes in writing to the elections office. Please include your date of birth, original name, address, or party affiliation; the change you wish to make; sign and date the information, and mail or fax to:
Montgomery County Board of Elections
P.O. Box 4333
Rockville, MD 20849-4333
FAX (240) 777-8600
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Changes to your address, name or party affiliation may be submitted during Early Voting or on Election Day. However, only addresses changes submitted during early voting will be processed immediately. Other changes will be processed once Voter Registration reopens approximately 11 days after an election.
If you would like to vote by mail, please visit the following web site Voter Registration and Vote by Mail Ballot Request to update your voter registration and request a vote by mail ballot.
Advanced deadline to register to vote OR change name, address, or party affiliation:
- 2026 Primary Election:: June 9, 2026 (5:00 pm)
- 2026 General Election: October 13, 2026 (5:00 pm)
You can also register to vote through same-day registration during early voting or on Election Day. Please visit any early voting center in the county during early voting, or go to the assigned polling place for your home address on Election Day and bring a document that proves where you live (to locate the assigned polling place for your residential address please visit Voting Location Lookup). To prove where you live, bring your MVA-issued license, ID card, learner's permit or change of address card, or your current paycheck, bank statement, utility bill, or other government document with your name and new address. Current means that the document is dated within three (3) months of Election Day.
Changes to your address, name or party affiliation may be submitted during Early Voting or on Election Day. However, only addresses changes submitted during early voting will be processed immediately. Other changes will be processed once Voter Registration reopens approximately 11 days after an election.
Once your voter registration request is processed, a Voter Notification Card will be mailed to you. The card will contain key voter registration information: name, address, party affiliation, polling place location, and respective election districts.
If you have not received a card within three (3) weeks of sending in your voter registration application, please call the Board of Elections at (240) 777-8500.
Another option is to come to the Montgomery County Board of Elections 18753 N. Frederick Avenue, Suite 210 Gaithersburg, MD 20879 and vote mail-in ballot in person.
Provisional ballots are not counted until after Election Day in accordance with law.
No. In Maryland, voter registration is permanent as long as you keep your voter information current. You may use the State Board of Election online Voter Lookup to check your voter registration record and update your information if needed.
Your registration may have been cancelled for failure to respond to an address confirmation mailing and if you have not voted in two consecutive federal general elections. The Board cancels voter registrations when we have been notified that the individual is registered to vote in another state.
The Board of Elections will accept a photo copy of a death certificate. Another option is the next of kin may submit a letter detailing the name, address and date of birth of the deceased voter with the name, address, signature and relationship to deceased voter of the person submitting the death notification to the Board of Elections. This may be submitted by e-mail, fax or letter. Notice from newspaper is not acceptable, the agency needs a photocopy of an official verification document.
An individual voter may also be moved from active to inactive status on the statewide voter registration list if a local board of elections received an obituary identifying that individual voter. The only permissible sources to be used for an obituary are a newspaper, a newspaper website, and a funeral home website. Upon receipt of a State Board approved obituary for a registered voter, a local board of elections may make that voter’s record Inactive. This commences the verification process required for cancellation.
Yes. Maryland law directs the Board of Elections to make the list available to the Courts.
This means that, although you provided your driver's license , learner's permit or social security number on the application, the State was unable to verify this number and requested additional information from you. This could happen for many reasons, including the following: parts of your application were illegible or incorrect; errors occurred in the process of entering data from your application into the State's database; OR older records in other systems used a different name, e.g., name change.
If you have not already submitted the requested information, you may do so when you vote in the upcoming election. If you decide to vote in person you will vote Provisional Ballot and you will need to show one of the following:
- Current and valid photo identification (a Maryland driver's license, learner's permit or MVA-issued ID card; student, employee or military ID card; United States passport; or any other State or federal government-issued ID card); OR
- Current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and address.
- Current means that the document is dated within three (3) months of Election Day.
If you decide to vote a Mail-In Ballot, please submit required information with your ballot.
If you are registering to vote in Maryland, you will be provided with an option to register with any of Maryland's recognized political parties. If you do not choose to register with a party, you will be considered Unaffiliated.
Advanced deadline to register to vote OR change name, address, or party affiliation:
- 2026 Primary Election: June 9, 2026 (5:00 pm)
- 2026 General Election: October 13, 2026 (5:00 pm)
If you are already registered voter but you would like to change your party affiliation you may do so online or by submitting a Voter Registration Application.
You can obtain a copy of a Voter Registration Application at any of the following sites in Montgomery County:
- Montgomery County Post Offices
- Montgomery County Public Libraries
- Montgomery County Public Schools
- Montgomery College Campuses
- Montgomery County Government Regional Services Centers
- Montgomery County Community Health Centers
- Montgomery County Aging and Disability Services
- Montgomery County MVA Offices
- Montgomery County Licensing
- Montgomery County Register of Wills
You can request a voter registration application by contacting or visiting Montgomery County Board of Elections 18753 North Frederick Avenue Suite 210, Gaithersburg, MD 20879. Our office hours are 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday; telephone (240) 777-8500.
You may have a voter registration form mailed to you by calling our 24-hour voter information line at (240) 777-VOTE and leaving your name and address after the recorded message.
You can download a voter registration form by visiting Montgomery County Board of Elections website or by following this link Voter Registration Application: English / Espanol.
If you are registering to vote in Maryland, you will be provided with an option to register with any of Maryland's recognized political parties. If you do not choose to register with a political party, you will be considered Unaffiliated.
The Republican and Democratic parties in Maryland use primary elections to choose their candidates for the General Election. Voters who are not affiliated with these political parties will only vote in the nonpartisan election for the Board of Education in the Primary Elections. All voters will receive the same General Elections ballot regardless of party affiliation.
Advanced deadline to register to vote OR change name, address, or party affiliation:
- 2026 Primary Election: June 9, 2026 (5:00 pm)
- 2026 General Election: October 13, 2026 (5:00 pm)
Changes to your address, name or party affiliation may be submitted during Early Voting or on Election Day. However, only addresses changes submitted during early voting will be processed immediately. Other changes will be processed once Voter Registration reopens approximately 11 days after an election.
Once your voter registration request is processed, a Voter Notification Card will be mailed to you. The card will contain key voter registration information: name, address, party affiliation, polling place location, and respective election districts.
If you have not received a card within three (3) weeks of sending in your voter registration application, please call the Board of Elections at (240) 777-8500.
Maryland has a closed primary system which requires you to be affiliated with a political party to vote in its primary contests.
If registered as unaffiliated, you will only be able to vote in any nonpartisan primary election held in your jurisdiction, such as a primary election to select nominees for the board of education.
Party affiliation does not have an impact in the General Election as all voters in the precinct receive the same ballot.
Yes. All citizens meeting the eligibility requirements may register to vote during Early Voting or on Election Day using the Same Day Registration Process.
Please visit any early voting center in the county during early voting, or go to the assigned polling place for your home address on Election Day and bring a document that proves where you live (to locate the assigned polling place for your residential address please visit Voting Location Lookup). To prove where you live, bring your MVA-issued license, ID card, learner's permit or change of address card, or your current paycheck, bank statement, utility bill, or other government document with your name and new address. Current means that the document is dated within three (3) months of Election Day.
Once your voter registration request is processed, a Voter Notification Card will be mailed to you. The card will contain key voter registration information: name, address, party affiliation, polling place location, and respective election districts.
If you have not received a card within three (3) weeks of sending in your voter registration application, please call the Board of Elections at (240) 777-8500.
Request to Cancel Voter Registration ( |
Cancellation Form-Electronic Signature Spanish Updated 120823IA (006).pdf ( |