Councilmember Glass has served on the Council since 2018. During that time, he spearheaded the effort to increase the size of the Council from nine to 11 members, passed legislation to close the gender pay gap, led the effort to create the COVID-19 rental assistance fund, and provided emergency funding for the nonprofit sector during the pandemic. As a former member of the Council’s Health & Human Services Committee and the lead for Homelessness and Vulnerable Committees, he has been a champion for ensuring that homelessness is rare, brief and nonrecurring in Montgomery County.

About Evan

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Transportation & Environment (T&E) (Chair)

Jurisdiction: Councilmember Evan Glass’ assignment to the Transportation and Environment Committee is reflective of his commitment to help Montgomery County stay on a brighter, more sustainable path. The committee discusses issues related to pedestrian and street safety, water and electricity utilities, as well as sustainability and environmental protection. Recent committee work involves vetting the Department of Environmental Protection’s plans to revamp our solid waste and resource recovery operations.

Economic Development (ECON)

Jurisdiction: Alcohol Beverage Services, Agritourism, Conference and Visitors Bureau, Economic Development, Incubator Programs, MCEDC, Permitting Services, Revenue Authority, Small Business Advancement Team,  Telecommunications and Technology (Office of Broadband Programs, Digital Equity, FiberNet programs), Urban Districts/BIDs, Worksource.

At Large Map

Map of Montgomery County with Council Districts

Residents of Montgomery County are represented by eleven Councilmembers. Councilmember Glass is one of four who are elected At-Large by all county voters. The other seven members of the Council are elected by the voters of their respective council districts.

According to the U.S. Census, Montgomery County had a population of 1,054,827 persons as of July 1, 2021. The County is located adjacent to the nation's capital, Washington, D.C., and includes 497 square miles of land area.

FIND YOUR COUNCIL MEMBER: Use the interactive Council District map to find your Councilmanic District or Councilmember.

Video Guide: Find Your Representatives on the Council

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