Business Advisory Panel/Economic Conditions and Outlook Reports

The County Council of Montgomery County established the Business Advisory Panel (BAP) in 1999 to seek the advice of industry experts in key sectors of the County’s business community concerning the current and future state of the County’s economy and the impact on revenues. Article XI, Section 20-61, of the Montgomery County Code established the BAP and requires the Department of Finance to convene the panel annually and to relay the panel’s advice to the County Executive and County Council. The BAP members represent various sectors of Montgomery County’s economy. The annual meeting is structured to allow all participants to meet with the County Executive to provide a briefing on local, state, and regional economic trends and to share their insights about future economic prospects in the County, and their view on their respective industry sector.

The BAP is supported by an Economic Conditions and Outlook report prepared by the Department of Finance that analyzes provides assumptions about the County’s economy over the coming six years. The report analyzes various economic indicators including employment, personal income, real estate, inflation, retail sales, construction, and interest rates. These Economic Conditions and Outlook reports are included in the BAP summary reports, linked below.

Prior BAP reports and general economic information from prior years can be found on the Historic Economic Information webpage

Annual Reports of the Business Advisory Panel