Veterans Day 2025 - Virtual Tribute to County Veterans
We proudly pay tribute to the Veterans living in our County who have served our country in the U.S. uniformed and armed services. We also solemnly remember and pay tribute to the County’s fallen service members who have died in service to our country on our Fallen Heroes site.
The records show these men and women as enlisting, being originally from, or having at one time lived in Montgomery County, Maryland. We consider the U.S. Department of Defense home of entry records as the official designation of military residency.
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Korean War (June 25, 1950 – July 27, 1953)

Marvin Elster
Marvin Elster served in the U.S. Army as a Corporal from 1952 to 1954. He worked as a Morse Code Operator in Korea during and after the Korean War. Elster started college at age 27 and graduated from law school at age 47. He has been a Commercial Arbitrator for over 40 years and a Bridge Life Master for over 50 years. Elster currently resides in Montgomery Village, Maryland.

Jeremiah Floyd
Jeremiah Floyd served in the Air Force from 1951 to 1968. After leaving the service, he earned a PhD from Northwestern University. He was a secondary school mathematics teacher for 11 years and principal for five. He is a retired associate director of the National School Board Association and formerly served on the Montgomery County Board of Education. Dr. Floyd currently serves as First Vice President of the Montgomery County NAACP. Currently resides in Bethesda, Maryland. View full profile

Constance "Connie" Mitchell
Connie Mitchell was born in the Catskill Mountains north of New York City in 1931. Her father was admitted to West Point Military Academy and moved his family across the country to Northern California, where Mitchell attended high school. Upon her graduation in 1949, she joined the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War, where she served as an office clerk on Hamilton Air Force Base in California for three years. She was proud to work under some high-ranking female officers, who, though ranked above her, embraced her and they became friends. She has fond memories of attending dances on weekends. After completing her third year, she left the U.S. Air Force and became a travel agent. Mitchell was married to her husband, Carl, for 60 years before he passed away. They had four boys - Carl Jr, Mark, Michael and Matthew. Her hobbies are crossword and word puzzles, as well as reminiscing with family. She now lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland, not too far from her son, Michael.

Richard Neuman
Richard Neuman served in the U.S. Army from 1954 to 1956 during the Korean War. He served as a Corporal and was ssigned to the Medical Ambulance Division. Neuman currently resides in Potomac, Maryland.
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