Veterans Day 2024 - Virtual Tribute to County Veterans

We proudly pay tribute to the Veterans living in our County who have served our country in the U.S. uniformed and armed services. We also solemnly remember and pay tribute to the County’s fallen service members who have died in service to our country on our Fallen Heroes site.

Veterans Day Honoring All Who Have Served Montgomery County, MD 2024

The records show these men and women as enlisting, being originally from, or having at one time lived in Montgomery County, Maryland. We consider the U.S. Department of Defense home of entry records as the official designation of military residency.

Please click on the tabs below:

Cynthia Izuno Macri

Cynthia Izuno Macri

Dr. Cynthia Macri was commissioned into the U.S. Navy in 1979 and retired as a Captain after 35 years of service as a gynecologic oncologist.  She held a variety of academic and executive leadership roles at the National Naval  Medical Center, Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Florida, Walter Reed Army Medical Center (Washington, DC), the Naval Medical Education and Training Command, and the Uniformed Services University before moving to the Pentagon to serve as Special Assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations for Diversity.  Upon retirement in 2013, she was retained on active duty for an additional 12 months to serve as Chief Strategist for the 21st  Century Sailor Office where she advised the Chief of Naval Personnel on human performance, unit cohesiveness, personnel readiness and productivity and the Navy’s effort to combat sexual assault/sexual harassment, suicide and mental health as well as destructive behaviors such as underage and binge drinking, drinking and driving, fraternization, and bias in evaluations and promotions.  Dr. Macri serves on several committees and commissions including the Montgomery County Commission on Veterans Affairs and the Department of Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee on Women Veterans. She current resides in Kensington, Maryland.  View full profile

Lt Kristen Moe

Kristen L. Moe

Kristen Moe entered uniformed service on December 8, 1993 and was inducted into the Navy in Albany, New York. She was posted in Japan, South Carolina, and at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. During the George W. Bush and Obama administrations, she served as consulting dietician to the White House. While in the Public Health Service, she has been deployed in response to Hurricanes Katrina, Sandy, and Maria and has served as a mentor to young officers. During the Covid-19 pandemic, she assisted with emergency approval of hand-sanitizers. Captain Moe is currently serving at the Food and Drug Administration in Silver Spring, Maryland. She currently resides in Kensington, Maryland.


This website is a project of the Montgomery County Commission on Veterans Affairs.
For more information please call 240-777-1252 (V) or email [email protected]
Military Seals
Proudly Recognizing the Military Service of Our U.S. Armed Forces, U.S. Uniformed Services & Their Families