Local Behavioral Health Authority (LBHA)

As the State-mandated local behavioral health authority (LBHA), this program is responsible for the planning, management and monitoring of public behavioral health services for children with serious social, emotional and behavioral health (mental health) challenges, as well as adults and older adults living with behavioral health needs.  This includes developing and managing a full range of treatment and rehabilitation services, including services for individuals with co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders, individuals who are homeless, and individuals who have been incarcerated and/or are on conditional release.  Services include the ongoing development of a resiliency and recovery-oriented continuum of services that provide for consumer choice and empowerment, including a team dedicated to behavioral health prevention efforts within Montgomery County.  This program now manages all contracts with Montgomery County Health and Human Services, Behavioral Health and Crisis Services.

LBHA services include the ongoing development of a resiliency and recovery-oriented continuum of services that provide for consumer choice and empowerment, including a team dedicated to behavioral health prevention efforts within the jurisdiction.  Substance Use and Suicide Prevention staff work to reduce alcohol and other drug use and misuse and bring awareness of suicide in Montgomery County.  Programming is evidence-based and available for all ages across the lifespan. All efforts utilize the principles of  harm reduction, which is grounded in justice and human rights and focuses on minimizing negative health, social, and legal impacts associated with drug use, drug polices, and drug laws.  For more information, visit www.KnowtheRisksMC.org and www.BTheOne.org.

See our guide to Montgomery County Behavioral Health Resources (pdf).

How to Apply

No application 

Documents To Bring

Not applicable.

Eligibility Requirements

Must be a Montgomery County resident. 

Fees and Payments

Please see Optum's website for more information about available services in the Public Behavioral Health System, including provider information, fee schedules and information for families and caregivers.  Optum is Maryland's Administrative Services Organization.


1.  I have heard you focus on mental health--but I have a loved one with a substance use disorder.  Can I still contact you? 

Yes, please do.  The LBHA can assit with all behavioral health needs, including substance use and mental illness.

2.Is the LBHA the same as the old Core Service Agency?

Yes, but an expanded version.  In July 2017, the Core Service Agency with the substance use disorder Local Addiction Authority to become a Local Behavioral Health Authority (LBHA), thus promoting a more integrated continuum of services across the lifespan.

3. I am angry with my daughter's mental health provider and want to make a complaint.  Can I file a complaint with the LBHA?

Yes, please contact us via phone or email.

4. Do you speak Spanish?
Yes, we have staff who speak Spanish.  Se habla Espanol.

5. If I come in, will you give me a substance use disorder assessment? 

Mental health or substance use disorder assessments are provide by the Access to Behavioral Health (ACCESS) program.  You may contact them by calling 240-777-1770.

Additional Information
LBHA Director:  Sara Rose, 240-777-1400

