Mental Health Advisory Committee | Home

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Diane Lininger, Program Manager
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If you are looking for mental health services, visit Mental Health Access Team.


The Mental Health Advisory Committee meets virtually on Microsoft TEAMS on the first Tuesday of every month from 7-9 pm (unless otherwise noted). Attend the public meeting on your computer, on your mobile device, or by dialing in on your phone.


Spring Forum Flyer

Mission Statement

The Mental Health Advisory Committee (MHAC) was established to advise the Montgomery County Executive and the County Council on matters concerning mental health. Our work includes providing citizen oversight to all state-funded mental health agencies serving Montgomery County and serving as an advocate for a comprehensive mental health system for persons of all ages. The Committee helps to ensure that publicly-funded mental health services are responsive to local needs, accountable to the citizenry and accessible to those in need. Our work includes closely following State and County legislative proposals relating to mental health. MHAC is comprised of citizen members who serve three-year terms without compensation that includes practicing physicians in the County, mental health professionals in the County who are not physicians and individuals who are currently receiving or have in the past received mental health services as well as agency members that includes the Department of Health and Human Services, Montgomery County Public schools, and the Department of Juvenile Services.

Creation and Purpose
MHAC County Legislation
MHAC By-Laws