Recruitment & Selection Resources

Large group of people standing in a row.

Are you a prospective employee interested in a job with Montgomery County Government (MCG)? Go to the MCG Careers page at to search current job openings, find out how to apply, learn about our comprehensive total rewards package, and more!

Welcome to OHR's Recruitment & Selection Resources webpage for hiring departments and employees. On this page, OHR provides selection process guides, interview forms, and related employee resources to help HR Liaisons, Hiring Managers, subject matter experts and employees better understand and navigate the MCG hiring process. Related resources include information on Position & Career Education (PACE) contracts, outside/secondary employment, and Temporary Administrative and Paraprofessional Support Services (TAPS).

Selection Process Guides

Hiring Process Playbook

This playbook outlines the key roles and responsibilities of Montgomery County Government hiring teams, the actions required by departments for a smooth hiring process, and templates and other resources to use when recruiting. Share your feedback here!

Download Playbook

Hiring Request Checklist

Ready to start hiring? After receiving a position approval/exemption, your next step is to complete this hiring request checklist which outlines the information you must share with your Recruitment Specialist as part of the hiring request.

Download Checklist

Guide to Improving Language for Inclusive Hiring Practices

The Job Ad Language Guide helps Hiring Managers take a more streamlined approach to writing effective and inclusive job ads to attract a diverse candidate pool.

Download Job Ad Guide

Interview Forms

Interviewing & Selecting Employees Forms

This document includes selection forms in a Word template for Hiring Managers and HR Liaisons to use during the interview process. 

Download Interview Forms

Consensus Interview Evaluation Form

This is the form that the hiring official should complete for each candidate interviewed. It must be signed by all Interview Panel Members.

Download Evaluation Form

Interview Panel Disclaimer Form

This form should be completed by the Interview Panel Members. The signed copy should be forwarded to the Interview Panel Chair.

Download Disclaimer Form

Recruitment & Hiring Timeline

This Word template can be used by hiring departments in collaboration with Recruitment Specialists to outline the hiring process timeline and create accountability for each task.

Download Timeline Template

Employee Resources

Position & Career Education (PACE)

PACE contracts offer employees an opportunity to voluntarily assume different or additional responsibilities outside of their current class specification to diversify skills and support career development.

Download Summary and Contract

Outside Employment

In order to engage in employment outside of a County position, employees must receive approval from the Ethics Commission. This Ethics Commission tutorial outlines the requirements and includes contact information for any questions.

Download Employment Tutorial

Temporary Administrative and Paraprofessional Support Services (TAPS)

Department TAPS Liaisons can initiate new requests for TAPS services in the automated OHR TAPS System. Effective March 1, 2021, the contract(or) is SPS Consulting, LLC. Forms, contacts, and addition information are available to the right under "TAPS Links."