
The Montgomery County Office of the Inspector General is a peer- reviewed member of the Association of Inspectors General. The OIG has an operating budget of $3,612,200 and is currently staffed by 21 full time employees. Staff have multiple certifications and backgrounds, and hold memberships in several professional organizations including the Association of Inspectors General, the Association of Local Government Auditors, and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Staff have language fluency in Spanish, Hindu, Urdu and Arabic.

Commitment to Diversity

The OIG actively seeks to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) through every facet of its work, from our internal communications and processes to our published work products and recruitments. We apply a DEI lens to the planning phase of every announced engagement to help identify areas of impact and ensure inclusion of diverse perspectives. When appropriate, our engagements present opportunities and recommendations to assist the subjects of our audits and reviews in identifying areas where they can advance equity and inclusion in their individual programs.