Reports Released 2001-Present
Office of Legislative Oversight (OLO) reports released since 2001 are listed below by report number/date. Columns can be sorted individually using the arrows in the column. Use the Search box to find reports by title, report number, keywords, author, and year.
Report # | Report Name | Report Date | Report Author/s | Committee/s | Key Words |
2025-04 | Best Practices Business Incubators | 2025/02/11 | Latham | ECON | Business Incubator, Economic Development |
2025-03 | Economic Indicators for Montgomery County and Surrounding Jurisdictions, January 2025 Update | 2025/01/21 | Trombka | N/A | Economic Indicators, Minimum Wage, Economy, Employment, Wages |
2025-02 | Implementation of the Housing Justice Act CAO Response Letter to OLO Report 2025-02 |
2025/01/14 | Peña | PHP | Housing Justice Act, Office of Human Rights, criminal records, returning citizens, homelessness, Ban the Box, anti-discrimination, fair housing |
2025-01 | Extracurricular Activities Offered Across Montgomery County Public Schools | 2025/01/14 | Simmons | MCPS, Extracurricular Activities, Out of School Time | |
2024-17 | A Geographic Analysis of Select County Programs CAO Response Letter to OLO Report 2024-17 |
2024/11/19 | Kalyandurg, Trombka | geographic distribution, economic development programs, tax credits, Minority Health Initiatives, County funding, County services | |
2024-16 | Montgomery County’s Public Election Fund | 2024/10/22 | DeFazio, Rubin | GO | Public Election Fund, public campaign financing, finance, consumer protection, contributions, liaison |
2024-15 | Should I Stay or Should I Go? Trends in Out-Migration from Montgomery County | 2024/10/22 | Roblin | Migration, Population, Income, Economy, Demographics | |
2024-14 | School Construction Costs: Update to OLO Report 2017-04 | 2024/10/01 | DeFazio, Monzon-Reynolds | E&C | MCPS, CIP, elementary, IAC, state construction aid, trends, school building, education |
2024-13 | Implementation of the 2020 Use of Force and No-Knock Warrant Law | 2024/09/17 | Trombka | PS | Police, Use of Force, Search Warrants, No-Knock Warrants |
2024-12 | A Comparison of Natural Grass and Synthetic Turf Athletic Fields in Montgomery County | 2024/07/30 | Latham, Simmons | Athletic Fields, Synthetic Turf, Recreation, Environment, Health, MCPS, Parks | |
2024-11 | Racial Equity and Social Justice Policy Handbook: Land Use, Housing, and Economic Development |
2024/06/18 | Bonner-Tompkins, Peña, Tesfaye | PHP/ECON | land use, housing, economic development, racial equity |
2024-10 | Housing Units Authorized for Construction by Permit in Montgomery County CAO Response Letter to OLO Report 2024-10 |
2024/06/11 | Carrizosa | GO | housing units, permits, residential construction, housing production |
2024-9 | Legal Protections for Tenants in Commercial Property Leases | 2024/06/11 | Rubin | GO | property, leases, commercial, business, tenant, landlord, legal protections |
2024-8 | Community Engagement for Racial Equity and Social Justice CAO Response Letter to OLO Report 2024-8 |
2024/03/12 | Peña, Kalyandurg | GO | equitable community engagement, racial equity, social justice, government decision-making, racial inequities, racial disparities |
2024-6 | Public and Private Funding Sources for- K-12 Public Schools | 2024/03/12 | Trombka | EC | Public Schools, Education, State Aid, Endowments, MCPS |
2024-7 | Contractor Report on Composition of Montgomery County Boards, Commissions, and Committees | 2024/02/27 | Latham | GO | Boards, Commissions and Committees |
2024-5 | Planning, Design, and Supervision in the MCG Capital Improvements Program |
2024/02/27 | Carrizosa, DeFazio | GO | capital improvements program, capital budget, planning, design, and supervision |
2024-4 | Accessory Dwelling Units | 2024/02/06 | Kalyandurg | PHP | Accessory Dwelling Unit, ADU, housing, residential, dwelling, development |
2024-3 | Economic Indicators for Montgomery County and Surrounding Jurisdictions January 2024 Update | 2024/01/24 | Trombka | Economic Indicators, Minimum Wage, Economy, Employment, Wages | |
2024-02 | Preliminary Findings on the Economic Impact of Washington D.C.’s Initiative 82 |
2024/01/16 | Rubin, Roblin, Monzon-Reynolds | N/A | tipped wages, minimum wage, Washington D.C., survey, economic indicators, restaurants |
2024-01 | Transgender Healthcare in Montgomery County CAO Response Letter to OLO Report 2024-1 |
2024/01/16 | Latham | HHS | Healthcare, Medical Care, Mental Health, Transgender, LGBTQIA+ |
2023-13 | Air Quality and Hotspots in Montgomery County | 2023/12/12 | Simmons | PS | |
2023-12 | From Wayne’s World to YouTube: Communications Funding in an Era of Diminishing Cable Revenues | 2023/12/12 | Trombka, Rubin | GO | cable, special revenue fund, franchise, public access television, communications, budget, FiberNet |
2023-11 | 2023 Evaluation of the Bethesda Urban Parternship, Inc. | 2023/09/12 | Kalyandurg | ECON | Bethesda Urban Partnership, urban district, urban district corporation, reauthorization, evaluation |
2023-10 | HOC Age-Restricted Housing for Older Adults | 2023/07/25 | Carrizosa, Kalyandurg | PHP | seniors, affordable housing, subsidized housing, aging in place |
Showing 1 to 25 of 313 entries