Find My Zoning
Please follow the steps below to find your zoning in an interactive map.
What is the zoning on my property?
- Open the Montgomery County Zoning map online at
- Enter the address-of-interest in the Address/Place Name Search box in the upper right-hand corner or us zooming tools on upper left-hand corner of the map to navigate to the property-of-interest.
- Click on the property-of-interest. A “ Property Info” box will appear on the left-hand side of the screen. The second section of this box is entitled, “ Zoning Info”. The Zone information is contained in this box. Click the zone title for more detailed information.
- Other map features can be accessed at
What uses are allowed on my property?
- Find the zoning for your property, described above.
- Open the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 59)
- Expand (click the “+” sign) next to “Article 59-3. Uses and Use Standards”
- : Expand (click the “+” sign) next to “ Division 3.1. Use Table”
- Click on “ Section 3.1.6. Use Table”. Find the zone of your property in the horizonal zone list across the top of the table, and the corresponding cell for the agricultural use you are investigating.
- If the cell contains “ P”, the use is permitted in the zone;
- if the cell contains an “ L”, the use is permitted if it meets the limited use standards in Division 3.2 through Division 3.7;
- if the cell contains a “ C”, it is a Conditional Use and the use must meet the conditional use standards in Division 3.2 through Division 3.7 and requires approval by the Hearing Examiner under Section 7.3.1;
- if the cell is blank, the use is not permitted in the zone.
- Research additional information related to the use you are investigating by clicking on the link to the appropriate “ Definition and Standard” in the table, or by choosing a corresponding section from “ Division 3.2. Agricultural Uses” on the menu of the left-hand side of the screen.
Visit the Office of the County Attorney website to get complete county code, zoning ordinances, code of Montgomery County regulations, and county opinions.