
Board, Committee, and Commission members are required to take Ethics training, Maryland Open Meetings Act training, and Parliamentary Procedures training. After members have successfully completed the training courses, they are required to register their course certificates using the Training Certification Form.

Ethics Training for Boards, Committee, and Commission Members

The Introduction to Ethics for Boards, Committees, and Commissions Members online training course is required for all Montgomery County Board, Commission and Committee members. To complete the course, BCC members should complete the following steps:

Step 1: Open the Introduction to Ethics for Boards, Committees, and Commissions Members online training course web application and sign up.
Step 2: Watch an online training video in its entirety (about 50 minutes). *
Step 3: Complete a brief evaluation to obtain your course completion certificate via email attachment and to receive credit for taking the course. Please save the certificate PDF file so that you can register your training course certificate. 
Step 4: Register your training course certificate with the County Executive's Office using the Training Certification Form. This is required.

* The Introduction to Ethics for Boards, Committees, and Commissions Members online training course video is available on YouTube for your reference.

If you have any questions regarding the Introduction to Ethics for Boards, Committees, and Commissions Members online training course, then please contact the Montgomery County Ethics Commission.

Maryland Open Meetings Act Training

The Maryland Open Meetings Act Training class is offered online jointly by the State of Maryland Office of the Attorney General and University of Maryland's Institute for Governmental Service and Research. Initially enacted in 1977 to foster transparency in government, the Open Meetings Act strikes a balance between the right of citizens to know public business and the need of public bodies to keep certain types of information confidential. The class reviews the purpose of the Act, as well as its application and procedural requirements. Enforcement provisions and the Open Meetings Compliance Board (OMCB) are also covered.

The training takes approximately 2-1/2 hours, and consists of six training lessons. The training should be completed as soon as possible; however, if the participant cannot complete the training all at once, it may be broken up into multiple sessions using the same computer. Make sure to:

  • Fill out and print a certificate of completion of the training. Each individual trainee should complete their own certificate. Certificates must be printed immediately upon completion of the training. After the training is completed, the certificates will not be accessible.
  • Each individual trainee should electronically scan and save their certificate
Maryland Open Meetings Act Training

Parliamentary Procedures Training

The Parliamentary Procedure: Roberts Rule of Order, Newly Revised, 10th Edition Online Training Course is required for Montgomery County Board, Commission and Committee members. In order to successfully complete the training course, students must follow the steps below:

Step 1: Open the Parliamentary Procedure Online Training Course web application
Step 2: Sign up for the online training course.
Step 3: Watch a brief online training video in its entirety (< 10 minutes). *
Step 4: Take a brief quiz.
Step 5: After completing the quiz, a certificate will be emailed to you as an attachment. Save the certificate attachment so that you can register it with the County Exective's Office.
Step 6: Register your training course certificate with the County Executive's Office.

* The Parliamentary Procedure: Roberts Rule of Order, Newly Revised, 10th Edition Training online course video is available on YouTube for your reference.

If you have any questions regarding the Parliamentary Procedure training online course, then please contact the Montgomery County Boards, Committees and Commission ( [email protected]).

Training Certification Form

After members have successfully completed all three training courses, they are required to register and upload their course certificates using the Training Certification Form. The Form includes a field for a BCC staff liaison’s email address. When a member submits the form, an email is sent to the staff liaison with the certificate attached. BCC staff liaisons will then track the training certification status of their BCC members.

Training Certification Form