See more in Doing Business in Montgomery County
Business Licenses, Permits, and Registrations
One of the first steps in starting or operating a business or nonprofit in Montgomery County is researching what licenses, registrations, and permits may be required for you to operate in the County. In Montgomery County, licenses and permits are issued by different departments and offices depending on the type of business or activity.
Please review the types of businesses and activities on the Business Licenses, Permits, and Registration lists below to see what might apply to your business or nonprofit operation.
Note: Please check each list as your activity might involve both a license and a registration.
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Business Licenses
For-profit and non-profit businesses are required to obtain licenses for various business activities in Montgomery County.
License | Description | Department |
Alcohol and Beverage | The sale of alcohol (i.e., restaurants, stores, hotels, catering, beer and wine sampling tasting, wine corkage, outdoor café, extended holiday hours, one day special events, and festivals). | Alcohol and Beverage Services |
Benefit Performance | Events conducted and operated by a bona fide non-profit organization, the net proceeds of which are exclusively for the benefit of the organization, to which the public is invited or admitted. | Permitting Services |
Bingo | Non-profit organizations qualified under specific sections to host bingo events. | Health and Human Services |
Bodyworks Establishment | Businesses that provide acupressure, reflexology or other practices that involve using one's hand to apply pressure on an individual's fully clothed body, or bare feet, to affect the electromagnetic energy, energetic field or energy meridians of the human body. | Health and Human Services |
Domiciliary Care/Assisted Living | Any person, corporation, or entity intending to operate a Domiciliary/Assisted Living Program and any private residence serving as a group home is required to obtain a license. | Health and Human Services |
Door-to-Door Vendor | Any person who travels from dwelling to dwelling or from office to office to sell goods or services. | Permitting Services |
Elderly Group Home | Operating a community residential home providing assistance to 3 to 16 unrelated individuals. | Health and Human Services |
Fire Prevention and Code Compliance | Contractors to perform fire protection systems work in Montgomery County. Licenses include: Corporate and Individual Fire Alarm, Sprinkler, and Fire Extinguisher Technician. | Permitting Services |
Maryland Business Licenses Online provides public access to business licenses issued by the Circuit Court. Search this licensing system for issued licenses as well as to apply, edit, and renew your Maryland business licenses online.
Business Permits / Certificates
Design Consultation for Businesses with a Physical Location
Navigating County licenses, permits, and inspections can be challenging. Setting up a Design Consultation is the best way to ensure you have accurate and complete information. These Consultations are hosted by the County’s Department of Permitting Services.
Sign up for a Design ConsultationPermit / Certificate | Description | Department |
Agricultural Producer | Any person looking to sell fruits and vegetables as an agricultural producer. | Permitting Services |
Commercial Building | The construction of commercial buildings. Permits include: adding or altering the interior, demolition, installing fences, and many more. | Permitting Services |
Raffle Permit | Non-profit organizations to operate a raffle. | Health and Human Services |
Business Registration
Most businesses operating in Montgomery County must register with the County, the State of Maryland, or both. Check Maryland Business Express for more information and next steps for state-required business registration.
County Registration | Required for | Department |
Bed & Breakfast | A detached house that is owner-occupied with no more than 5 guest rooms for rent and customarily serves breakfast to guests. Bed and Breakfasts must also obtain a Transient Lodging (Hotels and Bed & Breakfast) license. |
Health and Human Services |
Home Occupation (Home Based Business) | Homeowners that operate a home-based business which generates more than five visits, or who has a non-resident employee. | Permitting Services |