Criminal Department

Critical Information About Criminal Cases:
Roles & Responsibilities
The Criminal Department of the Montgomery County Circuit Court Clerk's Office maintains the record for a variety of criminal cases. The Criminal Department creates case files and dockets case pleadings and issues summonses, subpoenas, warrants, body attachments, and writs. Bonds are issued upon order of court to secure a defendant's presence at court hearings.
All files and information about criminal cases, except those that have been sealed and pertain to juvenile defendants, are public record and can be accessed in person at the Criminal Office. Cases that have been sealed cannot be accessed by the public without an order from a judge.
Since the implementation of the Maryland Electronic Courts (MDEC) project in October 2021, the court has been creating cases electronically. Cases and documents are accessible at public kiosks in the Criminal Department, Central Files, and the Law Library. Older case files may also have been scanned, but those that have not can still be reviewed by the public upon request.
Clerk’s Office employees may not give legal advice nor tell you what to say in your pleadings.
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