Juvenile Department

Roles & Responsibilities
The Juvenile Department processes juvenile pleadings in the Circuit Court for the following case types: Child In Need of Assistance (CINA), Termination of Parental Rights (TPR), voluntary placements, peace order against a minor, and delinquency cases. The Juvenile Department also provides courtroom coverage for designated juvenile courtrooms.
Juvenile court files and proceedings are confidential; however, courtrooms are open to the public in delinquency cases only unless closed by the presiding Judge. CINA, TPR, Voluntary Placement, Adoption, and Guardianship proceedings are not open to the general public. Only an attorney of record is entitled to review court files.
The majority of cases processed by the Juvenile Department fall into two categories:
- CINA (Child In Need of Assistance) Cases - These cases involve children and their families who require court intervention because:
- the child has been abused or neglected, or has a developmental disability or mental disorder; AND
- the child’s parents, guardian, or custodian are unable or unwilling to give the child proper care and attention.
Delinquency Cases – These cases involve children who have committed a “delinquent act,” which is an act that would be a crime if committed by an adult.
The Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services files all CINA, TPR and Voluntary Placement Petitions. Their phone number is 240-777-1266 (24/7 Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline: 240-777-4417).
The Maryland Department of Juvenile Services files Peace Order Petitions and Detention Petitions. The phone number for the Rockville Office is: 301-610-8500.
The Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office files Delinquency Petitions. Their phone number is: 240-777-7300.
All communication with the Court should be filed with the Juvenile Clerk in writing with copies provided to all parties involved in the case. The Circuit Court does not accept filings by fax or email.
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