Council Appointed Boards, Committees and Commissions


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The Montgomery County Council appoints members to various County boards, committees and commissions.

Advisory Commission on Policing

Advises the Council on policing matters and recommends policies, programs, legislation, or regulations with regards to policing.

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Airpark Liaison Committee

Provides a forum for communication between interested groups and individuals concerned with the operations of the Montgomery County Airpark.

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Board of Appeals

Holds hearings and determines action on certain land issues, including special exceptions, zoning variances and ordinances. Members are appointed by the County Council and serve four-year terms with compensation. All members must be county residents.

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Charter Review Commission

Reviews the County Charter and makes recommendations on proposed Charter amendments. Members serve four-year terms without compensation.

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Commission on Redistricting

To present a plan of Council districts, together with a report explaining it, to the Council.

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Merit System Protection Board

Serves as an appeal body on personnel actions. The board also conducts periodic studies and audits of the County's merit and retirement systems. Members serve three-year terms with compensation.

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Montgomery Planning Board

Recommends text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations. Responsible for planning, plotting and zoning functions affecting the Regional District. Prepares and adopts recommendations for the District Council. Reviews annual budget and submits recommendations. Administers park system in Regional District.

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Public Election Fund Committee

Bill 20-24, as approved by the Council on November 12, 2024, has removed this Committee as active as of February 20, 2025. Recommended funding for the Public Election Fund. It was required to report to the Council by March 1 of each year and estimate the funding necessary to implement the campaign finance system and recommend an appropriation for the Public Election Fund for the following year.  View the history of the Committee, and about the current public campaign finance law.

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The Council appoints representatives to other boards and committees, including the Committee to Study Compensation; Nominating Committee for the Board of Trustees of Montgomery College; Bethesda Urban Partnership, Grants Advisory Group; and Board of Investment Trustees. For further information, call 240-777-7925.