Property Acquisition Section

We are a team of real estate specialists, working in conjunction with the Design and Construction Sections, to acquire various property interests needed to implement County transportation projects.

Our section is responsible for researching title issues, working with appraisers and other real estate professionals to assess a property's fair market value and negotiating contracts with impacted property owners. We also administer the process for abandoning public rights of way and the disposition of MCDOT properties.

We understand that due to the nature of our business, we are not likely to win many popularity contests - no one likes to have their property taken - but we strive to always deal professionally and fairly with those impacted by a public project.

Property Acquisition Process

Property Acquisition Section Contacts

Tiara McCray - Section Chief
[email protected]


Demetries Oberc - Real Estate Specialist
[email protected]



David Harris - Real Estate Specialist
[email protected]



Suresh Pokharel - Real Estate Specialist
[email protected]


Know Your Rights and Benefits Guide

(click to view or download)

Right of Way Abandonment

Right-of-Way means any road, street, alley, crosswalk, pedestrian walkway, shared use path, water main, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, or storm drainage right-of-way used at any time by the public, including use by pedesttrians and bicyclists.

The County Council, by adopting a resolution, may close to public use or abandon the County's right-of-way. Before Council adopts a resolution to abandon public right-of-way and return the land to private use, the County will need to determine if the right-of-way is no longer needed for a present or future use. Montgomery County Code, Chapter 49 (Streets and Roads) - Section 49-62, explains the procedures by which the abandonment process must follow. A flow chart of the procedure is listed below.

Central Vendor Registration System (CVRS)

Once you have reached a negotiated settlement amount, the Montgomery County Office of Procurement requires individuals and businesses to register on the County Vendor Registration System (CRVS) to receive payment. Please visit and register yourselves individually as a new vendor. Please follow the directions shown in the video below carefully, failing to do so may result in extended processing times. Once complete, please notify your Property Acquisition Specialist to begin the process of drafting a check for you. After Vendor Registration is complete, the payment process should take approximately two weeks. If you have any questions, please contact your designated Acqusition Specialist.

CVRS Instructional Video
Direct Pay Vendor Registration (For Individuals)
Direct Pay Vendor Registration (For Businesses)