Montgomery County Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Corridor Advisory Committee (CAC) Guidelines

Corridor Advisory Committees follow Master Plan guidance as approved by the Montgomery County Council: “A vital facet of facility planning is to receive input and feedback from affected property owners, civic and business groups, and transit riders and road users, including public forums and workshops, electronic newsletters, and other forms of outreach… Accordingly, a citizens’ advisory group comprised of residents, business owners and other relevant stakeholders must be created for each corridor which enters into facility planning to make recommendations to the County on the design, construction and proposed station locations for the transit corridor 1

Committee Principles


  1. Engage community members and stakeholders and provide opportunities for input, guidance and oversight in accordance with the Countywide Transit Corridors Functional Master Plan.
  2. Provide transparency and community involvement during the planning, design, and construction phases of the projects.
  3. Provide the opportunity for interaction and information sharing among stakeholders
  4. Build consensus within the community to coalesce diverse interests and address stakeholder issues


Committee Makeup
  1. To ensure a manageable group size and maximize opportunities to participate in discussions, MCDOT’s goal is to have approximately 20 members on each committee.
  2. MCDOT staff will announce the formation of a new CAC and invite stakeholders to put their names forward to serve on a CAC. MCDOT will select members to ensure that all CACs are:
    • Inclusive
    • Diverse
    • Represent multiple interests and viewpoints along the corridor
    • Represent disadvantaged (Title VI) populations (minority, low-income, limited English proficiency)
  3. All CACs will follow Maryland’s Open Meeting Act
  4. All interested stakeholders must submit an application
  5. Meeting frequency: CAC meeting schedules will meet approximately three to four times a year and will vary over time depending upon the specific BRT project needs, progress, and schedule.
1 Countywide Transit Corridors Functional Master Plan, County Council Resolution transmitting approval, November 26, 2013, p. 8.