Burnt Hill Road Bridge No. M-0157
over Little Bennett Creek Replacement Project
This project provides for the replacement of the existing Burnt Hill Road Bridge No. M-0157 over Little Bennett Creek.
The existing Burnt Hill Road Bridge, built in 1955, is a 19 foot long single span structure with reinforced concrete T beams supporting a reinforced concrete slab. The structure has a clear roadway width of 18 feet, 1 inch for two-way traffic with steel W-beam barriers on both sides. The structure is supported by concrete abutments. The 2020 annual bridge inspection revealed that the structure is in poor condition, considered structurally deficient and needs replacement. Burnt Hill Road at this location is designated as a Rustic Road.
The bridge and road will be closed to traffic during school summer break during the construction while maintaining vehicular traffic with a detour.
Project Schedule
The Burnt Hill Road Bridge No. M-0157 over Little Bennett Creek Replacement project reached its 35% design milestone in January 2024. A virtual public information meeting was held on Monday, January 29, 2024, the recording and presentation slides from which is linked on the Project Documents tab of this website.
The design is expected to be completed during Summer 2025. Construction is tentatively scheduled for Spring 2026 through Fall 2026, pending available funding.
Project Documents
Project Manager
Holger Serrano
Montgomery County Department of TransportationDivision of Transportation Engineering
100 Edison Park Drive, 4th Floor
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
Phone: 240-876-2285
E-mail: hserrano@mercadoeng.com